Page:The color printer (1892).djvu/102

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tinted with the complement of the surrounding color. For example, see Fig. 354, Plate 68; the word contrast is printed in a pure gray ink, and is exactly registered into the blue cut. The reader will perceive that where the letters are surrounded lay blue they are strongly tinted with orange; but where they are surrounded by white, they show their real color—gray. Fig. 355 on the same plate shows the word contrast printed in gray and surrounded by red. In this case the gray is very strongly tinted by sea-green the complement of red.

Any color occupying a small area of surface, when surrounded by
another color occupying a much larger surface, will be strongly
tinted with the complement of the surrounding color.
If surrounded by Red Stinted with the color will
be tinted with
If surrounded by Orange " " Blue.
If surrounded by Yellow " " Violet.
If surrounded by Yellow-green " " Purple.
If surrounded by Green " " Red-purple.
If surrounded by Sea-green " " Red.
If surrounded by Blue " " Orange.
If surrounded by Violet " " Yellow.
If surrounded by Purple " " Yellow-green
If surrounded by Red-purple " " Green.

Very brilliant colors are influenced less by surrounding colors than the more quiet ones; gray being affected more than any other color.

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