Page:The geography of Strabo (1854) Volume 2.djvu/120

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STRABO. CARAUB. 414. and very powerful city. Homer bears witness to its wealth, for in his enumeration of places of great opulence, he says, "Not 'all that is brought to Orchomenus, or to ^Egyptian Thebes." l Of its power there is this proof, that the Thebans always paid tribute to the Orchomenians, and to Erginus their king, who it is said was put to death by Hercules. Eteocles, one of the kings that reigned at Orchomenus, first displayed both wealth and power. He built a temple dedicated to the Graces, who were thus honoured by him, either because he had been for- tunate in receiving or conferring favours, or perhaps for both these reasons. [For one who was inclined thus to honour these god- desses, must have been naturally disposed to be a benefactor, and he must have possessed the power. But for this purpose wealth is required. For he who has not much cannot give much, nor can he who does not receive much possess much ; but when giving and receiving unite, then there is a just ex- change. For a vessel which is simultaneously emptied and filled is always full ; but he who gives and does not receive cannot succeed in either giving or receiving, for the giver must desist from giving from failure of means. Givers also ' will desist from giving to him who receives only, and confers no benefits, so that he must fail in receiving. The same may be said of power. For independently of the common saying, " That money is the thing most highly valued, And has the greatest influence in human affairs," 5 we may examine the subject more in detail. We say, for ex- ample, that kings have the greatest power, (juaXtora 3vpa<r0cu,) whence the name, dynasty. Their power is exerted by lead- ing the multitude whither they like, by persuasion or by force. Their power of persuasion chiefly rests in doing acts of kind- ness ; for persuasion by words is not princely, but belongs to the orator. By princely persuasion, I mean, when kings di- rect and lead men whither they please by acts of kindness. They persuade by acts of kindness, but compel by means of arms. Both power and possessions may be purchased by money. For he has the largest body of forces, who is able to maintain the largest ; and he who has the largest possessions, can confer the greatest benefits. 3 ] 1 II. ix. 381. 2 Euripides, Phoen. 422. 3 Probably an interpolation.