Page:The geography of Strabo (1854) Volume 2.djvu/191

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B. x. c. in. 10, 11. THE CURETES. 183 meetings at banquets, on the stage, or under other circum- stances, but let the nature of the institutions which are founded on it be examined. 1 10. Hence Plato, and, before his time, the Pythagoreans, called music philosophy. They maintained that the world subsisted by harmony, and considered every kind of music to be the work of the gods. It is thus that the muses are re- garded as deities, and Apollo has the name of President of the Muses, and all poetry divine, as being conversant about the praises of the gods. Thus also they ascribe to music the formation of manners, as everything which refines the mind approximates to the power of the gods. The greater part of the Greeks attribute to Bacchus, Apollo, Hecate, the Muses, and Ceres, everything connected with orgies and Bacchanalian rites, dances, and the mysteries attended upon initiation. They call also Bacchus, Dionysus, and the chief Daemon of the mysteries of Ceres. 2 The carry- ing about of branches of trees, dances, and initiations are common to the worship of these gods. But with respect to Apollo and the Muses, the latter preside over choirs of singers and dancers ; the former presides both over these and divina- tion. All persons instructed in science, and particularly those who have cultivated music, are ministers of the Muses ; these and also all who are engaged in divination are ministers of Apollo. Those of Ceres, are the Mystse, torch-bearers and Hierophants ; of Dionysus, Seileni, Satyri, Tityri, Bacchse, Lenas, Thyiae, Mimallones, Nai'des, and Nymphae, as they are called. 11. But in Crete both these, and the sacred rites of Jupiter in particular, were celebrated with the performance of orgies, and by ministers, like the Satyri, who are employed in the wor- ship of Dionysus. These were called Curetes, certain youths who executed military movements in armour, accompanied with dancing, exhibiting the fable of the birth of Jupiter, in which Saturn was introduced, whose custom it was to devour his children immediately after their birth ; Rhea attempts to conceal the pains of childbirth, .and to remove the new-born infant out of sight, using her utmost endeavours to preserve it. 1 The original, as Du Theil observes, is singularly obscure, a' rj , r/ ruiv TraidsvfictTwv, icfa6r06>, TTJV apx^v ivQkvSt. 'iovaa. Following the reading suggested by Groskurd.