Page:The geography of Strabo (1854) Volume 2.djvu/233

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B. xi. c. ii. $ 13, 14. COAST OF CIRCASSIA. 225 and night, for the purpose of capturing the inhabitants and reducing them to slavery. But they readily allow whatever is taken to be ransomed, and signify this after their departure to those who have lost their property. In places where there is a regular government, the injured find means of repelling them. For, frequently, the pirates are attacked in return, and are carried off together with their camarse. But the country subject to the Romans is not so well protected, in conse- quence of the neglect of those who are sent there. 13. Such then is their mode of life. But even these peo- ple are governed by persons called Sceptuchi, and these again are subject to the authority of tyrants, or of kings. The Heniochi had four kings at the time that Mithridates Eupator fled from the country of his ancestors to the Bosporus, and passed through their country, which was open to him, but he avoided that of the Zygi on account of its ruggedness, and the savage character of the people. He proceeded with dif- ficulty along the sea-coast, frequently embarking in vessels, till he came to the country of the Achaei, by whom he was hospitably received. He had then completed a journey from the Phasis of not much less than 4000 stadia. 14. From Corocondame, the course of the voyage is direct- ly towards the east. At the distance of 180 stadia is the Sindic harbour, and a city. Then at the distance of 400 stadia is Bata, 1 as it is called, a village with a harbour. It is at this place that Sinope on the south seems to be directly opposite to this coast, as Carambis 2 has been said to be oppo- site to Criu-Metopon. 3 Next to Bata Artemidorus places the coast of the Cercetae, which has places of shelter for vessels, and villages along an extent of about 850 stadia; then at 500 stadia more the coast of the Achaei, then that of the Heniochi, at 1000 stadia, then the Great Pityus, from which to Dioscurias are 360 stadia. The authors most worthy of credit who have written the history of the Mithridatic wars, enumerate the Achaei first, then Zygi, then Heniochi, then Cercetaa, Moschi, Colchi, and above these the Phtheirophagi, Soanes, and other smaller nations about the Caucasus. 1 Pschate. 2 Keremp. 3 C. Aia. VOL. II. Q