Page:The geography of Strabo (1854) Volume 2.djvu/352

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344 STRABO. CASAUB. 585. " Hector, wretch that I am ; we were both born under the same destiny ; thou at Troja in the palace of Priam, but I at Thebe." The words are not to be understood in their direct sense, but by a transposition; "both born in Troja, thou in the house of Priam, but I at Thebe." The third dynasty is that of the Leleges, which is also a Trojan dynasty ; " of Altes, the king of the war-loving Leleges," ' by whose daughter Priam had Lycaon and Polydorus. Even the people, who in the Catalogue are said to be commanded by Hector, are called Trojans ; " Hector, the mighty, with the nodding crest, commanded the Trojans ; " 3 then those under ^Eneas, " the brave son of Anchises had the command of the Dardanii,"* and these were Trojans, for the poet says, " Thou, ^Eneas, that counsellest Trojans ; " 4 then the Lycians under the command of Pandarus he . calls Trojans ; " Aphneian Trojans, who inhabited Zeleia at the farthest extremity of Ida, who drink of the dark waters of ^Esepus, these were led by Panda- rus, the illustrious son of Lycaon." 5 This is the sixth dynasty. The people, also, who lived between the jEsepus and Aby- dos were Trojans, for the country about Abydos was govern- ed by Asius; " those who dwelt about Percote and Practius, at Sestos, Abydos, and the noble Arisbe, were led by Asius, the son of Hyrtacus." 6 Now it is manifest that a son of Priam, who had the care of his father's brood mares, dwelt at Abydos ; " he wounded the spurious son of Priam, Democoon, who came from Abydos from the pastures of the swift mares." 7 At Percote, 8 the son of Hicetaon was the herdsman of oxen, but not of those belonging to strangers ; " first he addressed the brave son of Hicetaon, Melanippus, who was lately tending the oxen in their pastures at Percote." 9

  • II. xxi. 86. 2 II. iii. 816. II. ii. 819. II. xx. 83.

II. ii. 824. II. ii. 835. > II. iv. 499. Bergas. 9 II. xv. 546.