Page:The geography of Strabo (1854) Volume 2.djvu/399

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B. xni. c. ii. 3. LESBOS. 391 to Sigrium, which is the length of the island, 560 stadia, thence to Methymna 210 stadia. 1 Mitylene, the largest city, lies between Methymna and Malia, at the distance from Malia of 70 stadia, and from Canaa of 120, and as many from the Arginussae islands, 2 which are three small islands near the continent, and situated near Cana3. In the interval between Mitylene and Methymna, at a village called ^Egeirus in the Methymnsean territory, is the narrowest part of the island, having a passage of 20 stadia to the Pyrrhsean Euripus. 3 Pyrrha 4 is situated on the western side of Lesbos, at the distance of 100 stadia from Malia. Mitylene has two harbours ; of which the southern is a closed harbour for triremes, and capable of holding 50 vessels. The northern harbour is large, and deep, and protected by a mole. In front of both lies a small island, which contains a part of the city. Mitylene is well provided with everything. 3. It formerly produced celebrated men, as Pittacus, one of the Seven Wise Men ; Alcaaus the poet, and his brother Anti- menidas, who, according to Alcasus, when fighting on the side of the Babylonians, achieved a great exploit, and extricated them from their danger by killing " a valiant warrior, the king's wrestler, who was four cubits in height." Contemporary with these persons flourished Sappho, an extra- ordinary woman ; for at no period within memory has any woman been known at all to be compared to her in poetry. At this period Mitylene was ruled by many tyrants, in con- sequence of the dissensions among the citizens. These dis- sensions are the subject of the poems of Alcaeus called Stasi- otica (the Seditions). One of these tyrants was Pittacus: Alcaeus inveighed against him as well as against Myrsilus, Megalagyrus 5 the Cleanactidoe, and some others ; nor was he 1 This is the number given in Agathermus, and there is no difference in manuscripts in this part of the text. Falconer thinks we ought to read XiXiW tKarbv KOI Skita (1110) for ^iXtW iicarbv (1100), to make the sum- total given agree with the sum -total of the particular distances. lam more inclined to deduct 10 stadia from the 210, which is the distance given between Sigrium and Methymne. Coray. 2 Arginusi Islands ; according to others, Musconisia. 3 The entrance to the Gulf of Caloni. 4 Pira. 3 We should probably read here Melanchus, tyrant of Lesbos, who, assisted by the brothers of Alcaeus, overthrew Pittacus.