Page:The history of Mendelssohn's oratorio 'Elijah'.djvu/152

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Mendelssohn cannot be accused of being " hard " or "grasping" in negotiating with his pubHsher. The following letter shows the spirit in which he made his proposals for the publication of " Elijah " in England. It is written (in English) to Buxton, and dated '* April 22, 1846 " : —

" I must beg you to tell me the price which you could give for the copyright of such a work. / do not fix the price, because I wish on such an occasion that neither you nor I should be the loser; you must know the sale of such works, and may thereby form an opinion. Indeed, / should not be able to name any sum for myself, and make conditions which would appear unpleasant to you ; but as on the other hand I have been asked from England by different persons for the copyright of such a work, I must think that it may also have value for the publisher there, and you may easily form an opinion

4 guineas. "Scotch Symphony" (pianoforte arrangement), £20. Sonata for pianoforte and cello in D, 12 guineas. Six four-part Songs, Op. 59 (which includes " O hills ! O vales !" the " Hunting Song," &c.), 10 guineas. " Scherzo, Notturno, and Wedding March " (from " Midsummer Night's Dream "), pianoforte duet arrangement, 15 guineas ; the whole work, " consisting of 9 other pieces (except the Overture) would be the same again as those 3." Violin Concerto and " Hear my prayer," " 20 guineas for both together." C minor Trio and Te Deum in A, £^0.

In these letters from Mendelssohn to Buxton there are such apologetic phrases, in regard to the prices named by the composer, as, "which I hope will be convenient to you," and "I hope it will not be inconvenient to you, which I beg you will tell me sincerely." Mendelssohn also thanks Mr. Buxton for his " very good and kind intentions" towards him. In sending the MS. of "The Garland" (words by Thomas Moore), he says, " which you may publish if you like, and pay for it whatever you like." ( X30 )

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