Page:The ransom of Red Chief and other O. Henry stories for boys.djvu/295

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A Double-Dyed Deceiver 271

"That's it," said Thacker, reaching behind the official desk for his bottle of smuggled brandy. "You're not so slow. I can do it. What was I consul at Sandakan for? I never knew till now. In a week I'll have the eagle bird with the frog-sticker blended in so you'd think you were born with it. I brought a set of the needles and ink just because I was sure you'd drop in some day, Mr. Dalton."

"Oh, hell," said the Kid. "I thought I told you my name!"

"All right, 'Kid,' then. It won't be that long. How does Senorito Urique sound, for a change?"

"I never played son any that I remember of," said the Kid. "If I had any parents to mention they went over the divide about the time I gave my first bleat. What is the plan of your round-up ?"

Thacker leaned back against the wall and held his glass up to the light.

"We've come now," said he, "to the ques- tion of how far you're willing to go in a little matter of the sort."

" I told you why I came down here," said the Kid simply.

"A good answer," said the Consul. "But

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