Page:The ransom of Red Chief and other O. Henry stories for boys.djvu/316

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292 The Theory and the Hound

island to-morrow to leave its inspectors. I acknowledge, gentlemen, that I'm not quite sure which one of you is Williams. But Wade Williams goes back to Chatham County to-morrow. I want you to understand that."

A great sound of merry laughter from Mor- gan and Reeves went out over the still har- bour. Two or three fishermen in the fleet of sloops anchored there looked up at the house of the diablos Americanos on the hill and wondered.

"My dear Mr. Plunkett," cried Morgan, conquering his mirth, "the dinner is getting cold. Let us sit down and eat. I am anxious to get my spoon into that sharkfin soup. Business afterward."

"Sit down, gentlemen, if you please," added Reeves pleasantly. "I am sure Mr. Plun- kett will not object. ^ Perhaps a little time may be of advantage to him in identifying the gentleman he wishes to arrest."

"No objections, I'm sure," said Plunkett, dropping into his chair heavily. "I'm hungry myself. I didn't want to accept the hos- pitality of you folks without giving you notice ; that's all."

Reeves set bottles and glasses on the table.

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