Page:The slave trade of east Africa.djvu/37

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put down in writing; and I have the honour to transmit it herewith enclosed, in translation, for the information of the Right Honourable the Governor in Council. "The importance of the Sultan's concession His Excellency will readily appreciate when I repeat Captain Pasley's words, that it is the most complete check to the Slave Trade that will have been effected since Her Majesty's Government began to suppress it."

The Sultan of Zanzibar to Mr. Churchill.


"In the name of God. You have asked of us, in the name of Her Majesty's Government, the reduction of the limits allowed us by the Treaty between the British Government and our father the Imaum, within which we are at liberty to carry slaves, so that the limits within which we shall be enabled to transport slaves in future by sea shall be comprised between Cape Dege and Matepa, including the islands of Pemba, Zanzibar, and Chewley, with permission to Her Majesty's cruisers to seize any vessel on the shores of Pemba that may be found there without a pass or colours, and that may have slaves on board without permission, and having seized it, to bring it to you at Zanzibar for adjudication; and provided also that, Chewley being beyond Cape Dege, special vessels be appointed to carry thereto the slaves the island may require for itself, with this understanding that Her Majesty's cruisers shall cease to molest or interfere with the shipping of our subjects within the said limits.

"We have, in consequence, assembled the members of our Council, and have acquainted them with your request. They were all of one accord in saying that your proposition would prove very detrimental to our Government in many ways which it would be too long to enumerate; but that, nevertheless, it was incumbent on us to satisfy the British Government.

"But we also have something to ask of the British Government which will cost them nothing to grant us; and that is, we be allowed to avenge on Salim the murder of our brother: and if this be found difficult to allow, we beg of the Government that we be no longer asked to pay the subsidy, or any of the claims forwarded to us, for our own claims in Oman are greater than those put forward against us in Zanzibar. Be this known. Written on the 13th Rebbi ussame, 1284.

"From your friend Majid-bin-Said. In the Sultan's own handwriting.

"If the exalted Government accepts the wishes you have expressed to us, and those we have ourselves expressed, and they be pleased with them, we will either add them to the original Treaty, or sign a new one, just as they please."