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Page:The story of the flute (IA storyofflute1914fitz).djvu/322

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Story of the Flute

Tone affected by material used, 280

Townley's mouthpiece, 255

Transverse flute, was it known to the ancients? 23-24
—————known to ancient Chinese, 25
—————in mediæval Europe, 25, 26
—————introduced into England, 33

Tremolo passages, 96, 98

Tromlitz, 43

Tschaikowsky, 173-176

"Tsche," the Chinese, 263

Tuille's Sextett, 183

Tulou, 196-197

Tuning slides, 39

Two flutes in thirds, 98

V-notch, the, 7

Various registers of the flute, 95

Verdi, 83

"Vibrato," the, 98

Virdung, 27

Vivian, 214

"Vivo," the, 266

Wagner, 170-173
———piccolo in, 83, 172
——— his Lohengrin, 144

Walking-stick flutes, 253

Ward's flutes, 50n, 66, 255

Weber, 143-148
——Der Freuchüts, 144
———piccolo in, 83, 147

Wehner, C, 227

Weidemann, 129

Weiner, Eugene, 228

Weird flute story, 241

Wells, B., 211

Wendling, J., 41, 135

Wheatstone's mouthpiece, 256

Wild, Miss, 223

William Tell overture, 153

Winnebago love-flute, 268

Winter, Joseph, 258

Wood, D. S., 215

Wood and silver flutes compared, 278

Woolhouse, Miss, 223

Wunderlich, J. G., 193

Young, H., 81

Youthful prodigies, 260

Zerrahn, Carl, 227