Page:The young Moslem looks at life (1937).djvu/183

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in such a way that it will appeal as being of such vital and fundamental importance that they cannot meet life successfully without it? Only true disciples of Christ who are themselves living examples of his teachings are equal to this great challenge, the challenge to each one of us to live up to the ideals of Christ.

We cannot dodge this issue. It must he faced by everyone who takes life seriously. Many a young Moslem looks at the "Christian" West and wonders why it is called Christian. A book was published a few years ago by an Indian Moslem who had lived and traveled in Europe and America. He called it Islam versus Christianity and in it he dwelt on the very worst features of Western civilization its gangsters and racketeering; its lynchings and inhuman treatment of the Negro; its city night clubs and the worst phases of immorality and loose living between the sexes; its Renos with their easy divorces; its daring daylight robberies and abominable kidnapings; and, last but not least, its freely flowing alcoholic liquors.

As compared with these things he attempted to prove that Islam had been far more successful as a religion in benefiting humanity than Christianity had been. But he failed to look for, much less uncover, the amazing achievements of Christianity in providing the foundations for multitudes of happy homes where the highest standards of Christian purity prevail; in maintaining vast numbers of schools and hospitals