Page:The young Moslem looks at life (1937).djvu/58

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it? We shall consider it under two heads: what the Moslem believes, and how the Moslem worships. The remainder of this chapter we shall devote to the first of these points.


Islam apparently has so much in common with Christian beliefs that it has been called a Christian heresy, or even a form of Christianity. But, as will appear, it really has little in common with Christianity. Nevertheless, they have just enough in common to make the study of Islam a very interesting pursuit. For instance, Moslems believe in one God; they hold Jesus Christ in great respect; they know the stories of many of the Old Testament characters like Abraham, Moses, and Joseph; they recite a creed somewhat like the Apostles' Creed; they recite a prayer that is similar to our Lord's Prayer; and they practise congregational worship.

In fact the longer or traditional Moslem creed or statement of faith (called iman in Arabic) in its form is very much like the Apostles' Creed:

I believe:

That there is no god but Allah; I believe:

In his angels;

In his books;

In his apostles, and that Mohammed is the last of them;

In the Last Day; and

In the predestination by Allah of good and evil.