Page:Title 3 CFR 2006 Compilation.djvu/214

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Proclamations Proc. 8097 and that the President determines to have satisfied the requirements of sec- tion 213(b)(4)(A)(ii) of the Caribbean Basin Economic Recovery Act (CBERA) (19 U.S.C. 2703(b)(4)(A)(ii)). Section 213(b)(3) of the CBERA (19 U.S.C. 2703(b)(3)) provides that the tariff treatment accorded at any time under the CBTPA to any article referred to in section 2\1773(b)(\177)(B) through (F) of the CBERA (19 U.S.C. 2703(b)(\177)(B) through (F)) that is a CBTPA originating good shall be identical to the tariff treatment that is accorded at such time under Annex 302.2 of the NAFTA to an article described in the same 8-digit subheading of the HTS that is a good of Mexico and is imported into the United States. 7. Pursuant to section 213(b) of the CBERA, Proclamation 7351 included the staged reductions in rates of duty that the President determined to be necessary or appropriate to provide such identical tariff treatment to CBTPA originating goods. In order to ensure the continuation of the rates of duty for imported goods under tariff categories that are being modified to reflect the amendments to the Convention, I have determined that addi- tional modifications to the HTS are necessary or appropriate to carry out the duty reductions previously proclaimed. 8. Presidential Proclamation 7512 of December 7, 200% implemented the Agreement Between the United States of America and the Hashemite King- dom of Jordan on the Establishment of a Free Trade Area (JFTA), with re- spect to the United States and, pursuant to section \1770\177 of the United States-Jordan Free Trade Area Implementation Act (the "JFTA Act") (\1779 U.S.C. 2\17712 note), the staged reductions in rates of duty that I determined to be necessary or appropriate to carry out the concessions set forth in Annex 2A to the JFTA. In order to ensure the continuation of such staged reductions in rates of duty for originating goods under tariff categories that are being modified to reflect the amendments to the Convention, I have de- termined that additional modifications to the HTS are necessary or appro- priate to carry out the duty reductions previously proclaimed. 9. Presidential Proclamation 7747 of December 30, 2003, implemented the United States-Singapore Free Trade Agreement (USSFTA) with respect to the United States and, pursuant to section 20\177 of the United States-Singa- pore Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act (the "USSFTA Act") (\1779 U.S.C. 3805 note), the staged reductions in rates of duty that I determined to be necessary or appropriate to carry out or apply articles 2.2, 2.5, 2.6, and 2A2 of the USSFTA and the schedule of reductions with respect to the Republic of Singapore set forth in Annex 2B of the USSFTA. In order to ensure the continuation of such staged reductions in rates of duty for origi- nating goods under tariff categories that are being modified to reflect the amendments to the Convention, I have determined that additional modi- fications to the HTS are necessary or appropriate to carry out the duty re- ductions previously proclaimed. 10. Presidential Proclamation 7746 of December 30, 2003, implemented the United States-Chile Free Trade Agreement (USCFTA) with respect to the United States and, pursuant to section 20\177 of the United States-Chile Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act (the "CFTA Act") (\1779 U.S.C. 3805 note), the staged reductions in rates of duty that I determined to be nec- essary or appropriate to carry out or apply articles 3.3 (including the sched- ule of United States duty reductions with respect to originating goods set forth in Annex 3.3 to the USCFTA), 3.7, 3.9, and 3.20(8), (9), (10), and (ll) 201