Page:Title 3 CFR 2006 Compilation.djvu/384

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Index Hospice Month, National (Proc. 8079) j Human Rights Day, Bill of Rights Day, and Human Rights Week (Proc. 8090) Jamaica; illicit narcotics certification Hungarian Revolution; 50th anniversary (Presidential Determination No. 06-24, (Proc. 8072) p. 304) Hurricane Katrina, National Day of Re- Jerusalem Embassy Act; suspension of membrance (Proc. 8043) limitations (Presidential Determination Hurricane Preparedness Week, National Nos. 06-15, p. 293; 07-9, p. 327) (Proc. 8020) Jewish American Heritage Month (Proc. I 8005) Justice, Department of; order of succes- Identity theft; strengthening Federal ef- sion of officers (Memorandum of Dec. forts to protect against (EOs 13402, 8, p. 326) 13414) Immigration and naturalization Migration and refugee assistance (Pres- K idential Determination Nos. 06-13, p. 279; 06-2% p. 302) Kenya; Rome Statute; International New Americans, Task Force on; estab- Criminal Court; waiving prohibition lishment (EO 13404) on U.S. assistance (Presidential Deter- Refugee admissions numbers for fiscal ruination Nos. 06-27, p. 315; 07-5, p. year 2007 (Presidential Determina- 324) tion No. 07-% p. 316) King, Coretta Scott; death (Proc. 7980) Independence Day (Proc. 8032) India; illicit narcotics certification (Pres- idential Determination No. 06-24, p. L 304) Insurance; aviation, coverage for corn- Laos; illicit narcotics certification (Presi- mercial air carrier service in domestic dential Determination No. 06-24, p. and international operations (Memo- 304) randurn of Dec. 21, p. 328) Law Day, U.S.A. (Proc. 8010) Intelligence, Director of National Lebanon Assignment of function under Intel- Indonesian peacekeeping forces; draw- ligence Reform and Terrorism Act of down authorization to support 2004 (Memorandum of Nov. 14, p. transport of (Presidential Determina- 322) tion No. 06-26, p. 314) Issuance of directives; assignment of Migration and refugee assistance (Pres- function to the Director (Memo- idential Determination No. 06-2L p. randurn of May 5, p. 279) 302) Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Pre- LeifErikson Day (Proc. 8063) vention Act of 2004; assignment of re- Lesotho; Rome Statute; International porting function (Memorandum of Criminal Court; waiving prohibition Nov. 14, p. 322) on U.S. assistance (Presidential Deter- International Criminal Court; waiving ruination No. 06-18, p. 300) prohibition on United States military Liberia assistance to parties to the Rome Star- Blocking property of certain persons ute (Presidential Determination Nos. 06-18, p. 300; 06-27, p. 315) and prohibiting importation of cer- Iran; continuation of national emergency rain goods; continuation of national (Notice of Nov. 9, p. 321) emergency (Notice of July 18, p. Iraq Development Fund, protection; con- 299) tinuation of national emergency (No- Eligible and beneficiary sub-Saharan rice of May 18, p. 289) African country; designation (Proc. Irish-American Heritage Month (Proc. 8098) 7983) Libya; rescission of state sponsor of ter- Israel; suspension of security funding rorism designation (Presidential Deter- limitations for U.S. Embassy in Jeru- ruination No. 06-14, p. 283) salem (Presidential Determination No. Literacy Day (Proc. 8053) 06-15, p. 293) Loyalty Day (Proc. 8011) 37\177