Page:Title 3 CFR 2007 Compilation.djvu/408

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Title 3--The President Terrorism Transportation--Continued Emergency, national; continuation Aviation insurance coverage for com- with respect to people who commit, mercial air carrier service in domes- threaten to commit, or support (No- tic and international operations tice of Sept. 20, p. 350) (Memorandum of Dec. 27, p. 363) Information-sharing functions, Fed- Lebanon, resumption of travel to for eral; assignment to National Intel- peace and security purposes (Presi- ligence Director (Memorandum of dential Determination No. 07-22, p. Apr. 10, p. 329) 337) Middle East, continuation of national Turkmenistan emergency with respect to terrorists East-West trade, freedom of emigration (Notice of Jan. 18, p. 318) in; Presidential waiver authority Pakistan, transition to democratic rule; (Presidential Determination No. 07- facilitation (Presidential Determina- 24, p. 342) tion No. 07-23, p. 341) Normal trade relations with U.S., eligi- Palestine Liberation Organization Of- bility (EO 13437) rice, waiver and certification of stat- utory provisions (Presidential Deter- U mination No. 08-2, p. 354) Returning Global War on Terror He- United Kingdom; pseudoephedrine and roes, Task Force on; establishment ephedrine exports and imports, traf- (EO 13426) ticking compliance under Foreign As- Saudi Arabia, assistance to combat sistance Act (Presidential Determina- international terrorism (Presidential tion No. 07-14, p. 326) Determination No. 08-5, p. 359) United Nations Day (Proc. 8194) Syria, continuation of national emer- USA Freedom Corps, fifth anniversary gency (Notice of May 8, p. 334) (Proc. 8102) Terrorist attacks in U.S., continuation v of national emergency with respect to (Notice of Sept. 12, p. 349) Venezuela; Trafficking Victims Protec- Unlawful enemy combatants, non- tion Act of 2000, compliance require- protection under Geneva Conven- ments (Presidential Determination No. tions Common Article 3 (EO 13440) 08-4, p. 355) Thanksgiving Day (Proc. 8204) Vessels, U.S.; national emergency relat- Thomas Jefferson Day (Proc. 8124) ing to Cuba (Notice of Feb. 26, p. 324) Trade Veterans Day (Proc. 8199) Harmonized Tariff Schedule of U.S., Vietnam; admission of refugees to U.S., rules of origin; modifications (Procs. in-country refugee status under 8111, 8114, 8157, 8180, 8213, 8214) Amerasian immigrant admissions pro- Korea; free trade agreement with U.S., gram (Presidential Determination No. intention to enter into (Notice of 08-1, p. 353) Apr. 1, p. 329) Virginia Tech tragedy, honoring victims Panama, free trade agreement with (Proc. 8126) U.S., intention to enter into (Notice Vision Week, Save Your (Proc. 8110) of Mar. 30, p. 329) Volunteer Week, National (Proc. 8125) Turkmenistan Freedom of emigration in East-West W trade, Presidential waiver au- thority (Presidential Determina- Washington, George; 275th anniversary tion No. 07-24, p. 342) of birth (Proc. 8106) Normal trade relations with U.S., Weapons of mass destruction eligibility (EO 13437) Combating proliferation, continuation World Trade Week (Proc. 8147) of national emergency (Notice of Trade Representative, Office of U.S.; Nov. 8, p. 360) order of succession of officers, des- Russia; blocking property of certain ignation (Memorandum of Feb. 20, p. persons accumulating uranium, con- 323) tinuation of national emergency Transportation (Notice of June 19, p. 339) 408