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Lanterna Magica, 27

Leabhar na h'Uidhre, 122

Le Bon's U Homme et les SocUUs, 372

Leist's Altarisckes Jus Gentium, 286

Leland, C. G. , xiii, xvi, xxii, 12, 185,

233. 296, 308, 394, 453 Lenormant's Origines de I' Hist., 333,

335 ; Berosos, 360, 375 Lepsius' Denkmdler, 366 Lerminier's Introd. a V Hist, du Droit,

362 Letourneau's Evolution of Marriage,

370 Leviathan, Hobbes', 363 Lewis' (M. G.) West Indian Tales, 49 Lexifhanes, Lucian's, 203, 212 Literary and traditional fiction, 35 Literature of Europe, Hallam's, 362 Livingstone's Travels in S. Africa, 256 Locke's Treatise on Government, 363 Lorraine, Contes populaires, etc., 49,

67. 71. 7S. 82 Lovat's Report on Scottish Highlands,

317 Lubbock's Origin of Civilization, 372 Lucian's Lexiphanes, 203, 212 Luck-pieces among Voodoos, 234, 235 Lyall, Sir James, 312 Lyall's Nat. Relig. in India, 401 Lyon, Miss, 448, 454

Mabinogion, 53, 148, 149, 151

Macdonald's Africana, 22

MacLellan's Patriarchal Theory, 369

MacMahon's Karens of the Golden Chersonese, 23

MacRitchie, David, 103-112, 455

Maffei's Arte Magica Distrutta, 186

Magic, 8, 387 ; footprints in, 388

Magyars, Folk-Tales of the, 61

Maine's Ancient Law, 218 ; Early Law and Custom, 360, 369, 382 ; Institu- tions, 368

Malagasi Tales, 56, 59

M4na and Manii (Sinhalese tale of Mr. and Mrs. Stork), 414

Man, as credulous as inquisitive, 8

Mana, the supernatural of the Mela- nesians, 396

Mankind, Soc. Hist, of Races of, 25

MannicB, Chronicon, 380

Mannhardt's Mythologisclie Forschun- gen, 279, 339

Manorial history, 349 ; tenants, 354

Mansell, G. W., 335

Maori Tales, 19

Marcellus Burdigalensis, 195

Marquardt's Privat-leben der Rbmer,

Marriage, Evolution of, 370

Marriage, origins of, 368 ; human, more than animal-mating, 369 ; prohibi- tions, 371. 373. 374. 376; customs, 266-268. See also Bride

Masailand, Thompson's, 250, 252

Mashiil, 310

Master-maid, 84

Maternal filiation, 372

Matriarchy, 218 ; origin not related to

sovereignty, 374 ; features of, 371 ;

matr. marriage, 370 Matthews, Miss, xvi, 449, 455 Maury's Fdes du Moyen Age, 193 Maxwell, Sir Herbert, 105 May-day horn, 448

Melajiesians , Codrington's, 27, 364, 396 Mercers, Worshipful Company of, xvi,

461 Meyer, E. H. , 329 Meyer, Prof. Kuno, 125, 128 Midwinter, Mr., 463 Millar's Origin of Ranks, 372 Milne, F. A., 463 Milne, H. W., 463 Miraculous birth of hero, 122 Montesquieu's Esprit des Lois, 363 Monumenti Storici, 366 Moore, A. W. , Manx Folk-lore, 284 ; on the Tinwald, 379-384 ; exhibit, 455 Miiller, Prof. F. Max, 18, 116, 331 Murray- Aynsley, Mrs., 455 Mythology and Magic, sources identical,

387 Mythology, origins of, 214-229 Mythology, reversal of old method, 5 Myths and Stories, universal re- semblance of, 10

Name committed to sea, 206 Naming child before baptism, 205 Naoroji's Manners and Customs of the

Parsees, 279 Naturalist in the Celebes, 249 Nature mythologists, 146 Necks, or harvest babies (Kerns), 434, 435' 458 Nevill, Hugh, 112, 408, 456

Newell, "W. W., 40, 85

Nibelungenlied, 61, 113, 114

Niebuhr's Rom. Gesch., 364

Nigra, Count, 85

Noachian Deluge, 18

Norris, Old Grey, 48, 55

Northern Counties, Folk-lore of, 250, 272,

278 Nubian Tales, 69

Nuova Antologia, 370

Nursery Tales, early, 442

Nutt, Alfred, xxiii, 84, 99, 113-134, 227, 290, 308, 456

Obstacles to pursuit, 83 Odyssie, Le Mythe de V , 161

Odysseus and Telegonus, 127, 128

Old Grey Norris, 48, 55

Onion in magic, 389

Ordish, T. Fairman, xvi, 461

Oswald, E. , III