Page:Trenchard Tracts 074-124.djvu/36

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King Charles the Second's Eſtabliſhment in Ireland in the Year Eighty.

Troop of Horſe 24 96 196 1080 1372
His Foot in Ireland.
Yeomen of the Guard 1 3 0 60 63
A Regiment of Guards 12 40 99 1120 1259
Single Companies 74 212 444 4440 5166
Total Foot in Ireland 87 265 543 5620 6428

I have not here put down the Garriſon of Tangier
which was about three thouſand Men, becauſe that Place
is now loſt, and conſequently wants no Garriſon.

I will now ſet down his preſent Majeſty's Eſtabliſhment,
and then compare them both together.

Horſe and Dragoons upon the Engliſh Eſtabliſhment.
Three Troops of Horſe Guards 3 48 15 600 663
One Troop of Dutch Guards 1 15 5 200 220
One Troop of Horſe Grenadiers 1 11 20 180 211
Lord Oxford's Regiment 9 40 45 531 616
Lord Portlaud's Horſe Dutch
9 42 54 603 699