Page:United States Reports, Volume 2.djvu/392

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386 Cass ruled and adjudged in the i r•;98. and indufirious attendance, and fometimes taking an aéiive part hrvsl in the work, and receiving a reafonable wages for attending the fame, I will be bold to [ay, that when the worlt is com- _ pleted in the mofl malterly manner, the jobb will clear at the Enilhing, the l`um of tooo. Now if your goodnefs will con- fider, that the lame fett of men that will be wanted for a [mall part of one jobb will be neceffary for the other, and particularly the carpenters, and finith for the iron work, and as they will want a hl.n:ltf`mith’s {hop and a fett of tools at Cape Hatterar, the other iron worlt might he made there, and fent acrofs the found at a fmall expcnce, which would make a confiderable fa- vtn . E I have had this morning a ktt of good carpenters, four in number, as ever emigrated from the old country, as alfo feveral `Ilone mafons, oflering themfelves to go to Carolina. As I told ou about the fmith that I had engaged, he informed me that he had a fett of good focond-hand tools offered him that might be purcbafed at a reafonable price—theref`ore, good {ir, as hav- ing always been brought up in a life of indufiry, fhould be happy in ferving you in the executing this job, and always con- tent with a reafonable profit; therefore, every reafonablc per- fon would fay that LI400 was not unreafonable, in the two jobs. If I fhould he fo happy in your recommendation of this work, I fhould think myfelf very ungrateful, if I did not offer ‘ you one half of the profits as above {lated, and would depofit _ in your hand at receiving the firfl: payment {350, and the other [ggo at the laft payment, when the work is finilhed and com- pleated. I hope you will not think me troublefome in afking for a line on the bufinefs by your next return and will call for . it at the Poft-Office, or in Third Street. In the mean time I lhall fubfcribe myfelf to be, your obedient and very humble fervt. to command. Robert Worrdl. Pbilaeleqlbia, Sep!. 28, I79'], No. 26, North Third Street." _’Which letter was direéied in manner following, that is to fay: _,; For Teach Coxe, _: At Burlington near Bryfal, Penrmdvania. " To the evil example of others in the like cafe offending, and _ sgainft the peace and dignity of the faid United Slate:. " And the Grand Inquelt aforcf`aid,upon their refpeélive oaths and aliirmntions, do further prcient, that Robert IVarmII, late of the fame diftrié`t, yeoman, being an ill difpofed pcrfon, on the 28th day of September, in the year aforefaid, in the difirift aforefaid, and wirliin the jurifdiélion of this Court, wickedly, advifedly, and corruptly, did fulicit, urge, and endeavour to procure