Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 10.djvu/10

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vi LIST OF `THE PUBLIC ACTS OF CONGRESS. ‘ *‘ 'll. A t ak' u ropriations for the support of the Mdm?n;%::g;miqc:1€1;*;Pi2;t;;;8y€;r Gl1diEgatg18¤t;1k€5€h §fPJums, one thousand eight: hundred 79 and Hfcy-four. March 2, 1853, ch. 91 .. 1 Oath O V` -P 'dent K' . A11 act roviding for adxninistmiug the ogth of 0Hicc to %Vi.g€ca;1q/1%. ¥[gng:'e%icc-Preglggdent Elcctpof the United States of America. March 2, 180 1858, ch. 93 . . . . . . . . E uses v Ch War in Orqqzm. An act to amend an act, entitled, "Au act to ameqq pn xp ¤ci:`£> scm and adjust the expenses of the people of Oregon, from attack? and hostxlmes of Cayuso Indians, in the ears eighteen hundred and forty-seven and czghtccn hundred and forty-cigl1t," approvcdyAugust twenty-first, eighteen hundred and H ty-two. March 2, 1853, ch. 94. .· . . .. . ... 180 De i A przaf ion Bdl. An act to supply deficiencies in tha appropriations for the fic czgyrvicglgrf? the fiscal year, ending tho thirticth of June, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-three. March 3, 1853, ch. 96 . , . .. 181 Geneml Appropriation Bill. An act making appropriations for the civil and di lumatic expenses of government for tho year ending the thirdeth of June, eighteen Euudred and fifty-four. Ma.rch3, 1853,ch.97.. . .. . . .. 189 Arm A ropriation Bill. An act making a propriatious for the support of the arm for the y yggr ending, the nhirnicnh of June, in tge year eighteen hundred and fiity-four. {karch 3, 1858, ch. 98 214 Naval A ro riation Bill. An act making appropriations for the naval service for the year endiu1g) tlfc thirticth of June, one thousand eight hundred and iihxy-four? March 3, 1853, 220 ch. 102. ... . . . . . . . . . ... . ... . ... . . Post- Ofice Appropriation Bill. An act making appropriations for tho service of the Pgst.-Odicc Department during the iiscal year ending the thirtieth of June, one thousand exght hundred. and fifty-four. March 3, 1853, ch. 103 225 Indian Appropriation Bill. A11 act making u. propriatious for the current and contingent axpauses of the Indian Department, and gr fulfilling treaty stipulations with various Indian Tribes, for the year ending June thirtieth, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-tbur. March 3, 1853, ch. 104 ... . . . . ._ ... 226 Ocean Steamer Appropriation Bill. An act making a.ppr0px·iatY0us for the transportation of the United States Mail by ocean stcamcrs and otherwise, during the fiscal year ending the _ thirtieth of June, one thousand eight hundred and fifcy-four. March 3, 1853, ch. 139 239 Bight-house §·c.,App#rzg:riation Bill. An act making appropriation for 1igh1:·h0uscs, light-boats, buoys, ctc., an providing for the erection and establishment of the same, and for other purposes. March 3, 1858, ch.140 . 240 Public Buildings in Minnesota. An act making au appropriation for the completion of the public buildings in the territory of Minnesota. March 3, 1853, ch. 142 .. 243 Preémplion Rights along lines kcif Railroads. An act to extend preemption rights to certain lands therein mentioned. arch 3, 1853, ch. 143. 244 Ofuxnges in lacatakm of bsmd Offices. An act uuthoxizing changes in the location of land oiices. March 8, 1853, ch. 144.. . .‘ . . . 244 Public Lands in C'ulg)"omia. An act: to provide for the survey of the public lands in California, the granting of preemption rights therein and for other purposes. March 3, 1853, ch. 145. 244 Post Roads.——Post-Ojfca Laws. An act to establish certain post roads, and for other purposes. March 3, 1853, ch. 146 .. ... 249 Location of Bounty Land Wanants. An act to authorize the correction of erroneous locations of military bounty land warrants by actual settlers on the public lands in certain cases. March 3, 1853, ch. 147 . . . 256 Lqqislativa in Neu? Meirica. An act to provide for additional clerks and to extend the iismons of the lcgxslamvc assembly of the Territory of New Mexico. March 3, 1853, . 148. ... . 257 School Lan& in Minnesota. An act to appropriate lands for the support of schools in certain townships and fractional townships in the Territory of Minnesota, not before provided fur. Much 3, 1853, ch. 149. . . ... 257 Extra Session of Assembly in Mw Mexico. An act authorizing the Governor of- the Territory of New Mexico to call xm extra session of the legislative assembly of said territory, should the same be deemed necessary and expedient. March 3, 1853, ch. 150 . 258 Suspended Land Entries. An act to revive and continue in force for a. limited time the provisions of am act relative to suspended entries of public land. March 3, 1853, ch. 152. . 258 Sale of Resewjved Cedcd Lands in Alabama. An act authorizing the sale of certain reserved lands m Alabama. March 3, 1853, ch. 153. . . . . 259