Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 10.djvu/1046

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1002 TREATY WITH ARGENTINE CONFEDERATION. JULY 10, 1853. ARTICLE I. Arvrreuno I. Free navigation The Argentine Confederation, in La Confederacion Argentina, en

“’Q;”‘ the exercise of her sovereign rights, el ejercicio de sus derechos soberaconcedmhu concedes the free navigation of the nos, permite la libre navegaeion de

Rivers Parané. and Uruguay, wher- los rios Parana y Uruguay, en toda. ever they may belong to her, to the la parte de su curso que le pertemerchant vessels of all nations, sub- nezca, a. los buques mercantes de ject only to the conditions which todas las naeiones, con sujecion unithis treaty establishes, and to the camente a las condiciones que estabregulations sanctioned, or which lece este tratado, y at los reglamenmay hereafter be sanctioned, by the tos sancionados, 6 que en adelante national authority of the Confede- sancionare la autoridad nacional de ration. la Confederacion. Amicnn H. Amrreuno II. Loading and Consequently, the said vessels Por eonsiguiente, ditos buques “"·l°“d‘“€· shall be admitted to remain, load, seran admitidos a permaneeer, carand unload in the places and ports gar y descargar en los lugares y of the Argentine Confederation puertos de la Confederacion Argenwhich are open for that purpose. tina habilitados para ese objeto. Aivrrcrn III. Amronno III. Beacons and The Government of the Argen— El Gobierno de la Confederacion marks- tine Confederation, being desirous Argentina, deseando proporcionar to provide every facility for interior toda facilidad a la navegacion intenavigation, agrees to maintain bea- rior, se eompromete a mantener vacons and marks pointing out the lizas y mareas que sefialen los eachannels. | nales. Amicus IV. Anrreono IV. Uniform system A uniform system shall be estab- Se establecera por las autoridades §°" .°°u'°°t‘°“ °f lished by the competent authorities competentes de la Confederacion, un uties and dues. . . . of the Confederation, for the collcc- sistema uniforme para la recandation of the custom-house duties, har- cion do los derechos de aduana, pubor, lights, police, and pilotage dues, erto, fanal, policia, y pilotage, en along the whole course of the waters todo el curso de las aguas que perwhich belong to the Confederation. tenecen at la Confederacion. ARTICLE V. An·r1eUr.o V. Government The high contracting parties, con- Las altas partes contratantes, regtgiléfsgsgégil OT sidering that the island of. Martin conociendo que la isla de Martin tm Garcia '"` Garcia may, from its p0s1tion, em- Garcia puede, por su posicion, embarrass and impede the free naviga.· barazar y impedir la libre navegation of the coniluents of the River cion de los/conrluentes del Rio de Plate, agree to use their influence la Plata, convienen en emplear su to prevent the possession of the iniiujo para que la posesion de said island from being retained or dicha isla no sea retenida ni conserheld by any State of the River vada pO1‘ ningun Estado del Rio de Plate, or its continents which shall la Plata 6 de sus coniluentes que no not have given its adhesion to the hubiera dado su adhesion al prinprinciple of their free navigation. cipio de su libre navegacion. Anrrcma VI. Anrrcnno VI. If it should happen (which God Si sucediere (lo que Dios no per-