Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 10.djvu/1101

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TREATY WITH THE SHAWNEES. MAI 10, 1854. 1057 ARTICl.E 7. lnasmuch as Joseph Parks, and Black Hoof, who have, Sh°*‘° °f ·l°$°Ph in times past, rendered important services to the Shawnee nation, would 11;*:,1;,1;-8 and Bmk not, by reason of the small number of persons in their families, be entitled, i under the provisions of Article 2, to a quantity of land equal to that which will be generally received by the other members of the tribe; it is agreed, at the request of the Shawnees, that Joseph Parks, in lieu of the land which he would have a right to select under the provisions of Article 2, shall have a quantity of land equal to two sections, or twelve hundred and eighty acres, to include his present residence and improvement; and Black Hoof; in lieu of that which he would have a right to select as aforesaid, shall have a quantity of land equal to one section, or six hundred and forty acres, to include his present residence and improvement; and they shall make selection of the land hereby granted them, in the same manner, and subject to the same limitations, as are prescribed in Article 2, for such qs shgll make separate selections, in severalty, under the provisions t icreo . ARTICLE 8. Such of the Shawnees as are competent to manage their How money affairs, shall receive their portions of the aforementioned annual instal- SMU M Pridments in money. But the portions of such as shall be found incompetent to manage their affairs, whether from drunkenness, depravity, or other cause, shall be disposed of by the President, in that manner deemed by him best calculated to promote their interests, and the comfort of their families; the Shawnee Council being first consulted with respect to such persons, whom, it is expected, they will designate to their agent. The portionsof orphan children shall be appropriated by the President in the manner deemed by him best for their interests. ARTICLE 9. Congress may hereafter provide for the issuing, to such Lund pgmntg of the Shawnees as may make separate selections, patents for the same; to i¤¤¤¤· with such guards and restrictions as may seem advisable for their protection therein. ARTICLE 10. No portion of the money stipulated by this instrument Said payment. to be paid to the Shawnees, shall be taken by the Government of the ¤,}<>¤é¤ b¤ Bi0PP°d United States, by its agent or otherwise, to pay debts contracted by the °r °bt°' Shawnees, as private individuals; nor any part thereof for the payment of national debts or obligations contracted by the Shawnee Chiefs or Council ; provided that this Article shall not be construed to prohibit the council from setting apart a small portion of any annual payment, for purposes strictly national in their character, first to be approved by the President} ARTICLE 11. It being represented that many of the Shawnees have Pnymentinfull sustained damage in the loss and destruction of their crops, stock, and :?·£;€*;°*’°¤°f M1 other property, and otherwise, by reason of the great emigration which ' has, for several years, passed through their country, and of other causes, in violation, as they allege, oilguaranties made for their protection by the United States; it is agreed that there shall be paid, in consideration thereof, to the Shawnees, the sum of twenty-seven thousand dollars, which shall be taken and considered in full satisfaction, not only of such claim, but of all others of what kind soever, and in release of all demands and stipulations arising under former treaties, with the exception of the perpetual annuities, amounting to three thousand dollars, herein before named, and which are set apart and appropriated in the third article hereofl All Shawnees who have sustained damage by the emigration of citizens YM? °f °l°·lm*· of the United States, or by other acts of such citizens, shall, within six months after the ratincation of this treaty, tile their claims for such damages, with the Shawnee agent, to be submitted by him to the Shawnee Council for their action and decision, and the amount, in each ease, approved, shall be paid by said agent: Provided, the whole amount of claims thus approved, shall not exceed the said sum stipulated for in this article.

  • See Amendment, post, p. 1080.

voL. x. TREAT. --· 133 me