Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 10.djvu/1161

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TREATY WITH THE CHOCTAWS, &c. Nov. 4, 1854. 1117 penses incurred in- running out and marking said line; and it is muthally agreed that the chiefs of each district of the Choctaw nation shall appoint one commissioner 'to attend and supervise the running and marking of said line E the chief of the Chickasaw district giving them at least thirty days’ notice of the t1me when the surveyor or engineer will proceed to run out and mark the line agreed upon; which shall be plainly marked upon trees,·where there is timber, and by permanent monuments of stone, at every mile, where there is not sufficient timber upon which the line can be marked in a permanent manner, before the first day of August, A. D. one thousand eight hundred and fifty-ive. In testimony whereof, the parties to this convention and agreement have hereunto subscribed their names and ailixed their seals. Done in triplicate, at Doaksville, near Fort Towson, Choctaw Nation, the day and year first above written. THOS. J. PITCHLYNN, [L. s.] EDMUND MGKENNY, [L. s.] R. M. JONES, L. s. DANIEL FOLSOM, L. s. SAMUEL GARLAND, L. s. Uommissioners on the part of Ohoctaws. EDMUND PICKENS, L. s.] BENJAMIN S. LOVE, L. sg JAMES T. GAINES, L. s. SAMPSON FOLSOM, L. s.] EDMUND PERRY, L. s.] Oommissioners on the part of the C'/zickasaws. In presence of Gao. W. Hnmuus, Pnrnn FoLsou, NICHOLAS COGHNANER, JACKSON Fmzrnn, Chiefs of the Choctaw nation. DOUGLAs H. Coornn, (I S. Indian Agent. WILLIAM IL MCKEAN. And whereas the said treaty having been submitted to the Senate of the United States for its constitutional action thereon, the Senate did, on the twenty-eighth day of February, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, advise and consent to the ratiiication of its articles, by a resolution in the words and figures following, to wit: -— “ IN Exnourrvn Snssiou, Smwrn or run U. S., “ February 28, 1855. ".Rcsolvcd, That the assent of the Senate be, and the same hereby is, Assent of given to the articles of convention and agreement between the Choctaw S°¤*‘**’· and Chickasaw tribes of Indians, made on the 4th' day of November, 1854, at Doaksville, near Fort Towson, Choctaw nation. "Attest: ASBURY DICKINS, "»Secrctary." Now, therefore, be it known, that I, FRANKLIN I’IERCE,•I’resident of the United States of America, do, in pursuance of the advice and