Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 10.djvu/233

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THIRTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. Il. Ch. 97. 1853. 213 surer thereof shall give a receipt, stating the weight and description thereof, in the manner and under the regulations that are or may be provided in like cases or deposits at the Mint of the United States with the ’I‘reasurer thereof And such bullion shall, without delay, be melted, parted, refined, and assayed, and the net value thereof, and of all foreign coins deposited in said office, shall be ascertained; and the Treasurer _ shall thereupon forthwith issue his certificate of the net value thereof, mm§°&$M?; payable in coins of the same metal as that deposited, either at the office when receivable of the Assistant Treasurer of the United States, in New York, or at the f" P“bll° ‘l““· Mint of the United States, at the option of the depositor, to be expressed in the certificate, which certificates shall be receivable at any time within sixty days from the date thereof in payment of all debts due to the United States at the port of New York for the full sum therein certified. All gold or silver bullion and foreign coin deposited, melted, parted, In what form refined, or assayed, as aforesaid, shall, at the option of the depositor, be l° b° °“t‘ cast in the said office into bars, iugots, or disks, either of pure metal or of standard tineness, (as the owner may prefer,) with a stamp thereon of such form and device as shall be prescribed by_the Secretary of the Treasury, accurately designating its weight and fineness: Provided, That P¤>ViS0· no ingot, bar, or disk shall be cast of less weight than Eve ounces, unless the same be of standard fineness, and of either one, two, or three ounces in weight. And all gold or silver bullion and foreign coin intended by the depositor to be converted into the coins of the United States, shall, as Arm assaymo soon as assayed and its net value certified as above provided, he trans- ¤¤¤*¤1¤>b¢*=¤{¤¤— ferred to the Mint of the United States, under such directions as shall f;;;g~g;;;,;*;,im¤* be made by the Secretary of the Treasury, and at the expense of the contingent fund of the Mint, and shall there be coined. And the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized, with the approval of the President of the United States, to make the necessary regulations for the A°°°"·““· adjustment of the accounts between the respective officers, upon the transfer of any bullion or coin between the assay office, the mint, and Assistant Treasurer in New York. Sec. 12. And be it further enacted, That the operations of melting, Regulatioiis of parting, refining, and assaying in the said office shall be under the gene- °P“‘m°"S‘ ral directions of the Director of the Mint, in subordination to the Secretary of the Treasury; and it shall be the duty of the said director to prescribe such regulations and to order such tests as shall be requisite to insure faithfulness, accuracy, and uniformity in the operations of the said office. - Sec. 13. And be it further enacted, That the laws of the United States in Lms ;°;g€°&) for the government of the mint and its officers in relation to the receipt, Bpily to md as, payment, custody of deposits, and settlement of accounts, the duties and say ¤Hic¤· responsibilities of officers and others employed therein, the oath to be taken and the bond and suretics to be given by them (as far as the same may be applicable) shall extend to the assay office hereby established, and to its officers, assistants, clerks, workmen, and others employed therein. Sec. 14. And be it further enacted, That the same charges shall be Charges for asmade and demanded at the said assay office for refining, parting, casting s”‘Y’"g* &°‘ into bars, ingots, or disks, and for alloy, as arc, or shall be made and demanded at the mint; and no other charges shall be made to depositors than by law are authorized to be made at the mint ; and the amount received from the charges hereby authorized shall be accounted for and appropriated for dcfraying the contingent expenses of the said office. Sec. 15. And be it further enacted, That the Secretary of the Tres.- _B¤lldl¤€Smfo1‘ sury is authorized to procure, by rent, lease, or otherwise, a building or md assay ° °°' apartments in the city of New York suitable for the operations of said oiliee, unless he shall be of opinion that suitable apartments in the customhouse in that city may be assigned for this purpose. And he is also hereby authorized and directed to procure the necessary machinery and