Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 10.djvu/40

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20 TI-IlR'1‘Y—SECON D CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 66. 1852. For expenses of continuing negotiations with the Indian tribes of Oregon lying west of the Cascade Mountains, twelve thousand dollars. For the completion of buildings for the use of the superintendent and Indian agents in Oregon, three thousand dollars. _ _ _ For travelling expenses of superintendent of Indian Affairs in Oregon, and agents,_two thousand dollars. Omwas md For the reappropriation of this sum, (carried to the surplus fund per ChiPP°W¤¤· warrant number thirteen, dated thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred. and forty-six,) being the balance due the Ottawa and Chippewa Indians, 1,,36 6h_ 267. under the fifth article of the treaty of eighteen hundred and thirty-six, ’ for payment of their debts, appropriated second of July, eighteen hundred and thirty-six, and reappropriated second [third] of March, eighteen 1889, ch. 71. hundred and thirty-nine, six hundred and twenty-four dollars and twenty- two cents. pumhm of For the purchase of two sections of land reserved by the treaty with Um ¤‘¤¤°¤'¤·¤<>¤ the Pottawatomies of October twentieth, eighteen hundred and thirty- f" %,,%l$;‘g?"' two, for "Sh0bonier," one thousand six hundred dollars: Provided, That said sum shall not be paid until all the rights of "Shobonier," or his heirs, to said land shall be relinquished to the United States. Redemption of For the redemption of outstanding loan-office and final settlement cer- {?gg;€°m°° °°”‘ tiiicate, dated September ninth, seventeen hundred and seventy-nine, ` countersigned by Nathaniel Appleton, Commissioner of Massachusetts Bay, issued for two hundred doHars, speeie value, ten dollars and sixty- eight ninetieths, hfty-seven dollars and seventy-two cents. gcnm, m,;,,, For the contingent expenses of the Le islative Assembl of the Terof the Igdgislr ritory of Minnesota, vim- g y SPM, n 1Y For `printing and publishing the Revised Statutes, making an index ` tihcixpeto, and superintending their publication, four thousand five hundred o ars. For necessary extra clerks during the latter part of the sessions of the Legislative Assembly, binding the Revised Statutes, and other necessarp incidental expenses, two thousand dollars. or payment of Messrs. Babcock, Wilkinson, and Holcombe, for re- Hiipng the laws, five hundred dollars each, one thousand five hundred o ars. For the contingent expenses of the House of Representatives, seventy- five thousand dollars. For contingent expenses of the Senate, one hundred and thirty-seven thousand seven hundred and seventy-five dollars. Report or Di-, To enable the Secretary of the Senate to pay lor the copies of the 0W¤¤· report of Doctor David Dale Owen, United States geologist, on the geology of Iowa and Wisconsin, and Minnesota Territory, heretofore ordered to be executed for the use of the Senate, under the special direction of the Commissioner of the General Land·Oi’rice, thirty-one thousand two hundred and eighteen dollars and seventy-tive cents: Provided, Promo. m no more than fifty cents a copy shall be paid for the binding of the To enable the clerk of the House of Representatives to pay for three thousand five hundred copies of the report of} Doctor David Dale Owen, on the geology of Iowa and Wisconsin, and Minnesota Territory, ordered by a resolution oil the House of Representatives, to be executed under the spec1al direction of the Commissioner of the General Land-Office, M., t:z$a;“n·;2°,:¤;€::i;2t3s “g***t·m dotsrd • s wu binding of the book. ty a copy B 3 Pwd or the 1,51,my of d011g; contingent expenses of the library of Congress, eight hundred Statutes at To enable the Secretary of State to purchase one hundred complete L"K°- sets of Little & Browns edition of the Statutes at Large, from vohnme