Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 10.djvu/5

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or mm PUBLIC ACTS OF CONGRESS CONTAINED IN VOLUME TENTH. Qlttz nf the Qllyirtg-·sz:¤nb Qfungrzzz of il): Hnitzlr States. STATUTE I. — 1851 - 52. Fire in the Library Room. .A.u am making uppmprintion to mcct the expenses incurred in coucqucnce of the Im firc at the Capiml. Jem. 16, 1as2, ch. 1. . . ...,. 1 Rwmfg»é¢7;c8g';ngr1$cs;ond Librmy. An act m provide a, room for the Congressional Library- Jun. I , , c . . . Payment ¢y" Interest to New Hampshire. An am: authorizing the payment of interest to the_St•.tc of New Zliampshirc, for advances made for the use and benefit of the United States, m repelhng mvasiou and suppressing insurrection, at Indian Stream, in said State. Jan. 27, 1852,ch.5.. . ·. .. ... , .. I Payment tp Mex:'c0. An act providing for carrying into execution, in further part, the twelfth 3i12B of fhé treaty with Mexico, concluded su; Guadalupe Feb. 10, 1852, 2 Rdiqf of the Cuban Primm. An act for tho relief of American citizens, lately imprisoned and pardoncd by the Queen of Spain. Feb. 10. 1852, ch. 9 . . 2 Superintendent of Indian A fairs in Caliizmia. A11 act to provide for the appoiutxmmt of a. Superiumndeut of Indian Affairs in California. 3, 1852, ch. 11. . . ... 2 Repair of the Cbngressbnal Library Room. All act to provide for the repair of the Congressional Library Room, lately destroyed by Gro. March 19, 1852, ch. 15 .. 3 Militavy Bounty Land Urarrcmts. An act to make land warrants ussignablc, and for other purposes. March 22, 1852, ch. 19 .. . .. . .. . .. 3 Judges, when the; my assist mel; adm. An act amendatory of the act entitled "Au act to pro— vide for clding the Courts of the United States in 0888 of the sickness 01* other disability of the Judges of the District Courts ;" approved July twenty-nine, eighteen hundred and fifty. April *2, 1852, ch. 20. . . . . . .. . ... . . . 5 Wscomin Saline Lands, An act to extend the time for selecting lands granted to the Staise of Wisconsin for saline purposes. May 4, 1852, ch. 24. ... . . . i 5 Courts in Alabama. An act to change the time of holding the United States District Courts in Alabama, and for other purposes. May 4, 1852, ch. 25 . ... 5 Courts in Delazmre. An act concerning the sessions of the Cours of the United State: in the District of Delaware. May 10, 1852, ch. 33. ... . . . . . . . . . . . 5 School Lands in Mississippi. An act: to authorize the Legislature of the State of Mississippi to sell the lzmds heretofore appropriated for the use of schools in that State, and to ratify and approve the sales alrcudy madc. May 19, 1852, ch. 35 . . . . .. 6 Mileage of the Dclqqare jiam Oreqon. An act to regulate the mileage of the Delegate from the '.l erritory of Oregon. May 19, 1852, ch. 36 . . . . 7 Certain Land Entries in Florida legalized. An act to legalize certaixr entries of Public Land made in the State of Florida, May 26, 1852, ch. 37 ... 7 VOL. x. Pun. — a