Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 10.djvu/816

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776 THIRTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Suse. I. Ch. 27, 28, 29, 31. 1854. VMGI1 27, 1854- Cnn. XXVII. —-An Actjbr the Reliq" of mlliam Blayo, ¢y’ the State ey Maine_ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United wlipnsioniiof Siam of Ameri¢,·a in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the In- ‘ m;r;:;";dt;§8 terior be, and he is hereby, authorized and instructed to increase the I pei- xnonth dur- pension now received by William Mayo, of the State of Maine, three mihu ¤**¤¤’·l dollars per month from January first, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, ‘ malring thereby the said William Ma.yo’s pension eight dollars per month during his natural life. Approved, March 27, 1854. March 27, 1854. CHAP. XXVIII. —-An Acifzr the Reliq/'of Samuel K Rayburn. Be it enacted by the Senate and [hum of Representatives of the United Rsnmuel K. States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the P;“,>éb£f§5€° b° Treasury cause to he paid to Samuel K. Rayburn the sum of one bundred and five dollars out of any money not otherwise appropriated, in full\<;ompensati§ foxillgp ofghprse und equipage in the war with :Mexico. mzovnn, are , 1 0 Merch 27, 1854. Cxmr. XXIX.—An Actjbr thelxlelief of Gray, McMurda, and Company. Be it enacted by the Senate cmd Ifzuse of Representatives of the United d G'*‘>'» M°M'“· States ofrimerica in Congress assembled, That the sum of five hundred o, and Co., to . bopagd $5-,0_·m_ and seventy dollars and seventy cents be, and the same is hereby, appropriated, out of any moneys in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to be paid to Gray, McMu1-do, and Company, of New Orleans, in the State of Louisana, in full of their account for interest on moneys advanced by them in one thousand eight hundred and fifty, to the Quartermaster’s Department. .A.PPBOVED, March 27, 1854. Mimi! 28 l854· Crux:. `XXXI.—A1• Ac! for th Relf of Gear e G. B`sh0p, and the Le IR ta- ·—·····;·—······ tivejq/' jdhn Arnold, dcceczded. ga eprescn Ba it cmzcted by the Senate and House qf.Reprascntatives of the United The 1mm- States of America in Congress assembled, That the lettexspatent p°‘l°"° gT““t°d granted to John Arnold, (a, citizen of the United States) dated the to John Arnold , , ’ renewed and ex- fifteenth day of July, in the year one thousand eight hundred and twenty- ggggegutgggms nine, for e new and useful improvement in the machine for forming :1 mh web of cloth, of wool, hair, or other suitable substances, without spinning The letters-ps.- or weaving; and also, the letters-patent granted to the said Arnold and _§°““ g"“*°d t° George G. Bishop, (also a citizen of the United States) dated the twenolm.Amo1d and . . . ’ . G, G_ Bishop m. tieth day of October, m the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty- mW6d Md Mr- six for a new and useful improvement in the machine for forming a web

~f§,{°g£ §§'3§s of hloth, of wool, hair, or other suitable substance, without spinning or

uct. weaving, be, and the same is hereby, renewed, revived, and extended for the term of fourteen years from and after the passage of this act · and the Commissioner of Patents is hereby directed, upon the presentation of the said patents, to renew revive, and extend the said patents by Certmems of making a certificate on,7or upon certified copies thereof, of such md '°”°"°·l*° extension (the lawful fees bein first nid therefor) in the name of the be issued to re- . .g P . pmmmuws of legal representatives of the said John Arnold and the said George G. $1;% gmvld wd Bishop; and the smd Commissioner of Patents is hereby directed to ' cause the same to be entered of record in the Patent Office- and the said Elm? of said patents so renewed, revived, and extended, shall have the same effect in ”°°°"’” · law, ns if originally granted for terms extending to the end of the term Pwvisv- to which they are extended by this act: Provided, however, That such renewed or extended patents, respectively, shall be open to legal inquiry