Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 10.djvu/968

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924 TREATY WITII COSTARICA. JULY 10, 1851. maintained; nor shall the funerals mente estableeer y mantener; y no or sepulchres of the dead be dis- se molestaran los funerales ni los turbed in any way or upon any ac- sepulcros de los muertos, de nigun count. modo ni por motivo alguno. Amicus XIII. ARTICULO XIII. Am 1V_ v_ In order that the two high con- Para que las dos altas partes and VI. of this tracting parties may have the op- contratantes tengan en lo futuro, gfx? tx? 2; portunity of hereafter treating and oportunidad de tratar y ajustar mondir ngm, agreeing upon such other arrange- cualesquiera otros arreglos que $@*7 Y<>¤¤‘S· ments as may tend still further to tiendan aun mas eficazmente a the improvement of their mutual estrechar las relaciones existentes, intercourse, and to the advance- y al adelanto de los intereses de los ment of the interests of their re- respectivos ciudadanos, se ha conspective citizens, it is agreed that venido, que en cualquier tiempo, at any time after the expiration of pasados siete anos, desde la fecha seven years from the date of the en que se cangéen las ratiiicaciones exchange of the ratifications of the del presente tratado, cualquiera de present treaty, either of the high las dos altas partes contratantes contracting parties shall have the podra poner en conocimiento de la right of giving to the other party otra parte sus inteneiones de ternotice of its intention to terminate I¤i¤31‘]0S AYHGHIOS IV- V- y VI. del Articles IV. V. and VI. of the presente Tratado; y que al espirar present Treaty; and that at the un aiio desde que una de las partes expiration of twelve months after haya recibido de la otra, dicha notisuch notice shall have been received cia, los expresados articulos, y todo by either party from the other, the Su contenido, dejaran de ser obligasaid articles, and all the stipulations torios a las dos altas partes contracontained therein, shall cease to be tantes. binding on the two high contracting parties. Anrxorn XIV. Aurxcuno XIV. Exchange of The present treaty shall be rati- El presente tratado sera ratincado, ratiiicutioua fied, and the ratifications shall be y las ratificaciones cambiadas en exchanged at Washington or at San José de Costarica. 6 en Wash- San José de Costarica within the ington, en el término de un aio, 6 space of one year, or sooner if pos- antes si possible fuese. sible. In witness whereof the respect- En fé de lo cual, los respectivos ive Plenipotentiaries have signed Plenipotenciaros han iirmado el the same and have aiiixed thereto presente, sellandolo con sus sellos their respective seals. respectivos. Done at Washington this tenth Fecho en la Ciudad de Washday of July, in the year of our ington, a los diez dias del mes de Lord one thousand eight hundred Julio, del aio del Senor mil ochoand fifty-one. cientos cincuenta y uno. DANIEL WEBSTER, [L. S.] F. MOLINA, [L. s. F. MOLINA, [L. s.] DANIEL WEBSTER, [L. sa And whereas the said Treaty has been duly ratihed on both parts, and the respective ratifications of the same were exchanged at Washington, on the twenty-sixth day of May, eighteen hundredj and fifty-two, by WILLIAM Hurrrnn, Acting Secretary of State of the United States of America, and Senor Don FELIPE MOLINA, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Costarica, on the part of their respective governments.