Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 10.djvu/971

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TREATY WITH PERU. JULY 26, 1851. 927 agree that there shall be reciprocal mutuamente en que habra libertad liberty of commerce and navigation reciproca de comercio y navigacion between their respective territories entre sus respectivos territories y and citizens; the citizens of either ciudadanos: los ciudadanos de curepublic may frequent with their alquiera de las dos repnblicas povessels, all the coasts, ports, and dran frecuentar con sus buques places of the other, whatever fo- todas las costas, puertos, y lugares reign commerce is permitted, and de la otra en que se permite el coreside in all parts of the territories mercio extrangero; residir en cualof either, and occupy dwellings and quier punto de los territorios de la warehouses; and every thing be- otra y ocuparlas casas yalmaoenes longing thereto shall be respected, que necesiten; y todo lo que les and shall not be subjected to any pertenezca sera respetado y exento arbitrary visits or search. de toda visita 6 pesquisa arbitraria. The said citizens shall have full Dichos ciudadanos gozaran de en- _ _Y¤‘iVii¤$¤§ of liberty to trade in all parts of the tem Iibertad para comerciar en to- §££°,$l,;)l§Q°h°r territories of either, according to das partes del territorio de la otra, other. the rules established by the respect- segun las reglas establecidas por las ive regulations of commerce, in all respectivas leyes de comercio en kinds of goods, merchandise, manu- todo genero de efectos,mercaderias, Ltctures, and produce not prohibited manufactures, y productos de licito to all, and to open retail stores and comercio, y abrir tiendas y almashops, under the same municipal cenes por menor, sometiendose a and police regulations as native las mismas leyes, decretos, y usos . citizens; and they shall not in this establecidos para los ciudadanos del respect be liable to any other or pais; y no estaran sujetos :5. may- higher taxes or imposts than those ores contribuciones 6 impuestos que which are or may be paid by native los que pagan 6 deban pagar los citizens. No examination or in- naturales. No se examinaran 6 inspection of their books, papers, or speccionaran los libros, papeles, 6 accounts shall be made without the cuentas que les pertenezcan sin legal order of a competent tribunal mandate de un tribunal 6 juez comor judge. petente. The citizens of either county shall Los ciudadauos de cualquiera de also have the unrestrained right to las dos partes tendran tambien el travel in any part of the posses- derecho ilimitado de viajar por cusions of the other, and shall in all alquier parte de las posesiones del cases enjoy the same security and otro, y en todos los casos gozaran protection as the natives of the de la misma seguridad yproteccion country wherein they reside, on que los naturales del pais donde condition of their submitting to the residen, con condiciou de someterse laws'and ordinances there prevail- 6. las leyes y ordenanzas que en el ing; they shall not be called upon se observen; no se les exijira ninfor any forced loan or occasional gun emprestito forzoso, ni ninguna contribution, nor shall they be lia- contribucion accidental, ni estaran ble to any embargo, or to be de- sujetos 5. ningun embargo, ni a que tained with their 'vessels, cargoes, se les detenga con sus buques, carmerchandise, goods, or effects, for gamentos, mercaderias,6 efectos paany military expedition, or for any ra ninguna expedicion militar 6 public purpose whatsoever, without para cualquier objeto publico, sin being allowed therefor a full and concederles por ello una. cumplida sufficient indemnification, which y suficiente idemnizacion, que en shall in all cases be agreed upon todo caso se convenga y pague adeand paid in advance. lantada. Aurrcrm III. ARTICULO III. Eaohnationto The two high contracting parties Las dos altas partes contratantes §,E‘é”,Q¥‘ZP,t1if,g°§S°£ hereby bind and engage themselves se obligan y compromcten a no con- revered nation."