Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 104 Part 2.djvu/406

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104 STAT. 1386 PUBLIC LAW 101-507 —NOV. 5, 1990 Government employees. Reports. SEC. 515, Such sums as may be necessary for fiscal year 1991 pay raises for programs funded by this Act shall be absorbed within the levels appropriated in this Act. SEC. 516. After January 1, 1991, and for the duration of fiscal year 1991, within the Department of Housing and Urban Development, the number of noncareer appointees to the Senior Executive Service shall not exceed 13 per centum of the total number of Senior Executive Service positions in such department, unless the Office of Personnel Management approves a waiver to exceed that limitation in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 3134. The Office of Personnel Management, in consultation with the Office of Management and Budget, shall undertake an expedited review of Senior Executive Service positions in the Department of Housing and Urban Development and report its findings, recommendations, and justification for any waiver determination to the Congress by December 15, 1990. SEC. 517. None of the funds appropriated in title II of this Act, or otherwise available to the Department of Housing and Urban Development, shall be used for first class travel of any Department official or employee unless required by medical necessity or on airplane flights longer than seven hours. SEC. 518. None of the funds appropriated under title I of this Act shall be used to enter into any new lease of real property if the estimated annual rental is more than $300,000, unless the Secretary submits, in writing, a report to the Committees on Appropriations of the Congress and a period of 30 days has expired following the date on which the report is received by the Committees on Appropriations. SEC. 519(a). The Resolution Trust Corporation ("Corporation") shall report to the Congress at least once a month on the status of the review required by section 21A(b)(ll)(B) of the Federal Home Loan Bank Act and the actions taken with respect to the agreements described in such section. The report shall describe, for each such agreement, the review that has been conducted and the action that has been taken, if any, to rescind or to restructure, modify, or renegotiate the agreement. In describing the action taken, the Corporation is not required to provide detailed information regarding an ongoing investigation or negotiation. The Corporation shall exercise any and all legal rights to restructure, modify, renegotiate or rescind such agreement, notwithstanding any other provision of law, where the savings would be realized. (b) To expend any appropriated funds for the purpose of restructuring, modifying, or renegotiating the agreements described in subsection (a), the Corporation shall certify to the Congress, for each such agreement, the following: (1) the Corporation has completed its review of the agreement, as required by section 21A(b)(ll)(B) of the Federal Home Loan Bank Act; (2)(A) at the time of certification, in the opinion of the Corporation and based upon the information available to it, there is insufficient evidence or other indication of fraud, misrepresentation, failure to disclose a material fact, failure to perform