Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 104 Part 2.djvu/422

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104 STAT. 1388-14 PUBLIC LAW 101-508—NOV. 5, 1990 TITLE II—BANKING, HOUSING, AND RELATED PROGRAMS Subtitle A—Federal Deposit Insurance Assessments Sec. 2001. Short title. Sec. 2002. FDIC authorized to increase assessment rates as necessary to protect insurance funds. Sec. 2003. FDIC authorized to make mid-year adjustments in assessment rates. Sec. 2004. FDIC authorized to set designated reserve ratio as necessary in face of significant risk of substantial losses to insurance fund. Sec. 2005. FDIC authorized to borrow from Federal Financing Bank. Subtitle B—FHA Mortgage Insurance Sec. 2101. Increase in mortgage limit. Sec. 2102. Mortgagor equity. Sec. 2103. Mortgage insurance premiums. Sec. 2104. Mutual mortgage insurance fund distributions. Sec. 2105. Actuarial soundness of mutual mortgage insurance fund. Sec. 2106. Home equity conversion mortgage insurance demonstration. Subtitle C—Auction of Federally Insured Mortgages Sec. 2201. Auction of multifamily mortgages. Subtitle D—Crime and Flood Insurance Programs Sec. 2301. Crime insurance program. Sec. 2302. Flood insurance program. Subtitle E—Effective Date Sec. 2401. Effective date. TITLE II—BANKING, HOUSING, AND RELATED PROGRAMS ^mentRate Subtltlc A—Federal Dcposlt Insurance Act of 1990. Assessments 12 USC 1811 SEC. 2001. SHORT TITLE. "*'^" This Act may be cited as the "FDIC Assessment Rate Act of 1990". SEC. 2002. FDIC AUTHORIZED TO INCREASE ASSESSMENT RATES AS NEC- ESSARY TO PROTECT INSURANCE FUNDS. (a) BANK INSURANCE FUND. —Section 7(b)(1)(C) of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act (12 U.S.C. 1817(b)(1)(C)) is amended to read as follows: " (C) ASSESSMENT RATE FOR BANK INSURANCE FUND MEMBERS. — "(i) IN GENERAL.—The assessment rate for Bank Insurance Fund members shall be the greater of 0.15 percent or such rate as the Board of Directors, in its sole discretion, determines to be appropriate— "(I) to maintain the reserve ratio at the designated reserve ratio; or "(II) if the reserve ratio is less than the designated reserve ratio, to increase the reserve ratio to the designated reserve ratio within a reasonable period of time, "(ii) FACTORS TO BE CONSIDERED,—In making any determination under clause (i), the Board of Directors shall consider the Bank Insurance Fund's expected operating expenses, case resolution expenditures, and income, the effect of the assessment rate on members' earnings and