Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 109 Part 2.djvu/1017

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PROCLAMATION 6857—DEC. 11, 1995 109 STAT. 1989 Annex II (con.) - 89- 283. (con.): K06.(een.) PTIMMY e*lU aid priMry battarlM; part* tiMraef (oon.): K06.M Silvw enldi: 8506.40.10 Htwino m «>fmtt velUM not •xoMdii* 300 ca' 4.SS Free (A,U,E, 3SS 1L,J.N() aS06.MI.50 Otter 4.3X Free (A.E.IL,J. 35X NO tS (Ok) 8506.S0.00 Llthlia 4.5% FreeU.E.IL.J, 3SX W) IX (CA) 8506.60.00 A<r-zlM 4JS Free (A.E.tL.J, 35S » (M) aS06.80.00 Ot hw «JS Free U.E.IL.J, 35X MX) IX (U> 8506.90.00 ftU 4.3X Free(A,E,IL,J. 35X> M() IX (CA) 284(a). Tha article description of heading 8510 la modified to read as follovs: •thavars, hafr cllppara andhafr-ranwlng appllanoM, ulth wlf-eantelnad alaetrle Mtor; paru tharMf:' (b). The following new subheadings 8S10.30.00 and 8510.90.SS are inserted In nuaerlcal sequence: dhavars,...:] • 4510.30.00 H air- r«aav1i « ap plt an cM 4.2X Free(A.E,IL,J, 40X* NX) 0.8X (CA) (Part aO • 8510.90.55 Other 4.2X Free(A.CA.E.IL, 40X> J.NX) 285. The article description of heading 851S Is nodlfled by deleting the expression 'sintered aetal carbides* and Inserting the word "cermets' In lieu t her eof. 286(a). The article description of heading 8517 is nodlfled to read as follows: •Elactrleal apparatua for Kna tataphcny or Kno talaanptiy, Ineludlns lina talipiiana aata itlth cordlaM handMta arid talaeoaauilcation apparatua for earrlar-currant lina ayateaa or for dtgital Una ayatMB; vfdaophonM; part* tharasf<•