Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 109 Part 2.djvu/391

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PROCLAMATION 6763—DEC. 23, 1994 109 STAT. 1363 Anne x (c on.) -314- Sec tlo n A. (c ontinued) (361). (con.): Cocoa p owder co ntai ning over 1 0 percent by dry weight of sug ars der ived from sug ar cane or sugar beets, whether or not mixed with other ingredi ents (except ( a) articles not principally of crystalline structure or not in dry waorphous fona that are prepared for Marketing to the ultiaatc consuner in the Identical fona and pack age in which inportcd, (b) ble nded s yn4» cont aining sugars deri ved from sugar cane o r sugar b eets, capa ble of being further processed or nixed with similar or other ingredients, and not prepared for marketing to the ultimate consumer in the identical form and package in which iifiorted, or (c) articles containing over 65 percent by dry weight of sugars derived from sugar cane or sugar beets, whether or not mixed with other ingre dient s, capa ble o f bei ng furt her processed or mixed with similar or other ingredients, and not prepared for marketing to the ultimate cohsuacr in the identical form and package in which imported), provided for in subheadii^s 1806.10.15, 1806.10.38 or 180 6.10.75: If entered during the effective period of safeguards based i^xm value: Valued less than St/kg 2S.7t/k g Valued S«/kg or more but less than 15«/kg 16.8«/k g Valued ISt/kg or more but less than 2 5e/ kg 10. 1«/kg Valued 2Sc/kg or more but less than 35 */k g 5.2t/kg Valued 35«/kg or more but less than 45 «/k g Z.Zt/k g Valued 45*/kg or more No additiona l dut y If entered during the effective period of safeguards based upon quantity announc ed fay the Secretary o f Agriculture: Provided for in siMeading 1 806. 10.1 5 [Sae section D to this Annex] Provided for in siliieadings 1806.10. 38 o r 1806.10.75 CSae section D to this Annex]