Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 109 Part 2.djvu/899

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PROCLAMATION 6857—DEC. 11, 1995 109 STAT. 1871 ANNEX I (con.) -4- 8. TCau 1 throuc^ 12. Inclusive, for chapCar 28 «r« deleted and the following new TCRe are inserted In lieu thereof (continued): 22. A eh««* to nAhMdiiw* 21125.10 through 2826.90 fr«a «ny othu- lUtahMdfne, Inetuding mothtr •Mtwdfnt Mithin that group. 2S. A dMi«* to uMiMcKrw 2829.11 from mv othw MbhMdina. 24. <A> A dwng* to sUMioMKna* 2829.19 thrau^ 2829.90 from my othtr ehiiptcr, oxeopt fro* ehiptors 2B through 38; or (•) A dMi«« to wMMdli^o 2829.19 through 2829.90 frea any othor MMoading Hithtn chiptora 28 through 38. inelu<{i« anethor tiMaading ulthln that groip, Hhathor or not thara ta alao a ehai«a from any other ehiptar, prevldad thara la a ragfonal valua contant of not laaa than: (1) 60 pareant lAara the tranaaetfon valua aathod la uaad, or (2) SO pareant Hhora the nat coat aathod la uaad. 25. A chMga to at«iaadti«a 2830.10 through 2815.39 from any othor aubheading. Including another •iWiaading irithln that groip. 26. A changa to atMiaading 2K16.10 from any othor aubhoadtr*. 27. (A) A dianga to aiMaadtr«a 2836.20 through 2816.30 from any aiiAaading outaldi that groiv; or (i) A dianga ta aiMaadli«< 2836.20 through 28S6.S0 from any other aubheading Hithin that groi^, Mhothar or not thara la alao a dianga from any aubheading outaida that groi^, provided thara la a raglonal wilua eantant of net laaa that (1) 60 pareant lAara the tranaaction valua aathod la uaad, or (2) SO pareant Mhara the nat coat aathod la uaad. 28. A chai«a to aUbheadli«a 2836.40 through 2836.99 from aty other tiMaading. Including another aiMiaading HithIn that group. 29. A changa to aiMaadlnga 2837.11 through 2850.00 free any other aubheading. Including another iOheading ulthln that grmy. 30. (A) A changa to heading 2851 from any other chapter, except from chaptara 28 through 38; or (i) A changa to heading;!8S1 from eny other aubheading ulthln chaptera 28 through 38. Hhethar or not thara la alao a change from eny other chapter, provided there la a regional valua eantant of not laaa thani (1) 60 pareant lAarti the tronaection value aethod la uaed. or (2) 50 pereant vhero the nat coat aathod la uaad.' 9. TCR 1 for chapter 29 Is <leleted and the following new TCRs are inserted In lieu thereof: •1. A change to aiMaadlnga 2901.10 through 2901.29 from any other aubhaeding. Including another aiMiaading within thet gra^. 2. A change to aiMeedfnga 2902.11 through 2902.44 from any other 8iiiheadli«. including another aubheading ulthln that grmp.