Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 109 Part 2.djvu/906

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109 STAT. 1878 PROCLAMATION 6857—DEC. 11, 1995 ANNBX I (con.) -IX- 9. TCR 1 for chapter 29 is deleted and the following new TCRe are inserted in lieu thereof (continued): S4. (A) A eiMi«« to MMmdfiws 2R».11 through 2«S2.9» free any othor hoadlns: or (•) A chtnoo to tUhmdiim 2«n.11 through 2992.99 frea my othor nttoading iilthfn that •ro>^, lAothor or net thoro la also a dtango fraa «v othor hoadlns, prevldid thoro la a raglonal walua oentont of not loaa than: (1) M paroifit lAaro the tranMction valua atthod la UBod, or (2) SO parcant riiar* the nat coat aathod la UHd. 57. (A) A dMf«a to atMiaadiiw 29)3.11 throuKi 2m.69 from any othor hoading; or (•) A chai«a to auUiaadlt«a 29SS.11 thraui^ 29».«9 from any othor aiMaadlna within headlns 29SS, Including anethar aiMoadlna Mithin that grot^, uhathor or not thoro la alao a chanta from any othor headlna, prmtdid thoro la a raglonal valua ecntant of not ioaa than: (1) 60 parcant lAoro tho tranaaction valua aathod la uaad, or <2> SOporevit lAora tho not coat aathod la uaad. 58. (A) A change to aiMaading 29SS.71 from tny other chapter, axcopt frca chaptors 2B through 38; or (g) A change to aubheading 29SS.71 fron any othor aubheading althln chaptora 28 threu^ 38, riiothor or net there ioa(ao a change from any other chapter, provided there laa regional value oantant of not leaa than: (1) M percent lAere the trenaactlan value aathod la uaad, or <2) SO percent liiere the net coat aathod la uaad. 59. CA) A change to aUhheadlnga 2953.79 through 2933.90 from any other heeding; or (•> A change to aufahaedlnga 2933.79 through 2935.90 from any other aubheading within heeding 2993, Including another aiWiaading within thet muf, idiethor or not there la alao a change frea any ether heading, prevldad there Io e regionel value oantant of net leea th en: (1> M parcant where the tranaaction value aathod la uiod, or <2) SO percent where thenet coat aathod la uaad. M. (A) A chai«e to eiiiheedli«a 2934.10 through 2914.90 from any ether eubheading. Including e not hor au heading within that gro t^ or (•> A change to nucleic eelda of aubheading 2934.90 from other hetereeyclle iiiapnuvii ef aiMaading 2934.90. 41. A ehengo to heeding 2955 from any other heeding. 62. (A) A change to eubhoedlnga 2956.10 through 2936.90 from any ether heeding; or (•) A change to aubheed{i«( 2936.10 through 2936.90 from any other eiAiheeding within that groigi, whether or not there le alao a change frea eny othor heading, provided there io e regional value content ef not leea than: (1) 60 percent i6iore the tranaection valua aathod la uaad, or (2) SO percent idicro the net coat aathod la uaad.