Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 109 Part 2.djvu/910

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109 STAT. 1882 PROCLAMATION 6857—DEC. 11, 1995 ANNEX I (con.) - 15- 12. TCRs 1 through 9, Incliialve, for chapter 32 ar« dalatod and the following naw TCRa ara Inaertad In llau t^araof (continued): 4. (A) For any color, M dtflMd imOtr tb* Color Indm, IdMitiflod In ttio folloHlng Hot of colon, 1 chango to Mfatmading 32IH.17 from wtf othor MMwadlna: PIMit yoUOMs 1, 3, 1«. 55, 61, 62. 65, 73. 7i, 75, 81, 97, 120. 151, 152, 154, 156, and ITS; PfgaMit oranao: 4, 5, 13, 34, 36, 60, ml 62; Plgaait rod: 2,3,5,12,13,14.17,18,19,22,23,24,31,32,48,49,S2,53, 57. 65, 112. 119. 1X3. 146. 170. 171. ITS. 176, 185, 185, 187, 188, 208, and 210; or (•> For «v color, aa daffnad indar tko Color Indnt, not Idvitifiad In th* Hat of colora: (Da dungo to atttoadlni 3204.17 frea any othor aiMioading, oxeapt free iiltliln diaptar 29; or (2) • chango to aiAheading 3204.17 fraa any atAhoadina idthin chapter 29, Mhathar or net thoro la alao a chunge frca any othor aiMwading, provided tboro la a ragional value contant of net lea* than: (!} 60 percent ehere the tranaaction value aithod la uaad, or <1I) 50 percent where the net cost aethod la uaad. 5. (A) A change to aubhoedlna 3204.19 free any other heading; <r «< (•) A chwge to aubhoadii« 3204.19 frca any other aubhaoding vlthln heading 3204, Mhethar or not there la alao a change from any ether heading, provided there la a regional value content of net laea than: (1> 60 percent lAero the tranaaction value aathod la uaad, or (2) 50 percent ehere the not coat aathod la uaad. 6. (A) A change to aiiihaedlnga 3204.20 through 3204.90 free any other chapter, except from chaptere 28 through 38; or (i> A change to auhheadii«e 3204.20 through 3204.90 free viy other aiMeeding within chaptere 28 throi^h 38, Including another aubhaoding Mithin that gm^, Mhether or net there la aleo e change from any other chapter, provided there Is a regional value content of not leaa than: (1) M percent idiere the tranaaction value aathod la uaad, or (2) 50 percent Nhere the net coot aethod Is uaed. 7. A change to heeding 3205 from any other heading. 8. (A) A change to sufeheedlnge 3206.11 through 3206.50 from any other chapter, except from chapter 28 through 38; or (8) A change to aiiiheadlngs 3206.11 through 3206.50 from wiy other aubheading Hithin chapter 28 through 38. Including another aubheading MithIn that gro^>, ahether or not there la alao a change from any othor chapter, provided there le e regional value content of not leas than: (1> 60 percent uhere the tranaeetion value aethod le uead, or (2> 50 percent Nhere the net coot aathod Is used.