Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 109 Part 2.djvu/916

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109 STAT. 1888 PROCLAMATION 6857—DEC. 11, 1995 ANNEX I (con.) -21- 17. TCRs 1 through 3, inclusive, for chapter 38 are delated and the following new TCR« for chapter 38 are Inserted In lieu thereof (continued): 14. <A) A diano* to wMMding 3811.90 free try other ehiptar, axcapt froi chiptars 2S through 38; or (B) A Chang* to nUiMdina 3811.90 from my other aufahMding Hithin chaptirs 28 through 38, lAothor or not thor* 1* alio • dnno* frca any other ehapttr, provfdad thero la a raglonal valua ccntant of net loaa than: (1) to pareant whare th* tranaaetlan value mthod la uaad, or <2) SO percent Mhere the net coat Method la uaed. 15. (A) A change to aiMeadfnge 3812.10 through 3812.30 from any other chapter, except from ehaptera 28 through 38; or (i) A change to aiMaedlnga 3812.10 through 3812.30 from any other atMaeding iifthfn chaptere 28 through 38, Including another aiMeading ulthln that groiv, Mhethor or not there 1* alao a change fraa any other chapter, provided there la a regional value content of not lea* than: (1) M percent Hher* th* traneactlcn value aethod la uaed, or (2) 50 percant Hher* th* net coet aathed I* uaed. 16. A change to heeding* 3813 through 3814 from any other heading. Including another heeding ulthin that group. 17. A Chang* to atMaedlnge 3815.11 threu^ 3815.90 from any other 8uUi**ding, Including another itttaading within thet group. 18. (A) A change to heading 3816 from any ether chapter, except from chapter* 28 through 38; or (•) A chenge to haeding 3816 from any other erhead{r« within chapter* 28 through 38, Mhether or not there I* al** a change from any other chepter, provided ther* la a regional value content of not leaa than: (1) 60percent aher* tli* traneactlcn value aethod le uaed, or (2) 50 percent where the net coet aethod la uaed. 19. A change to aiiiheedinge 3S17.10 through 3817.20 from eny other euheading, including another eUbheading within that groip. 20. A change to heedlnga 3818 through 3819 from wy other heading. Including another heeding within that groip. 21. <A} Aehanga to heeding 3820 from any other heeding, except from aubhaeding 2905.31 or 2905.49; or (8) A change to heeding 3820 from *iMieedll« 2905.31 or 2905.49, lAether or not there la also a change free any oth«r h**ding, provided there la a ragienel value content of not leaa than: (1) 60 percant where th* tranaaction value aethod I* uaed, or (2) 50 percant uhar* th* net coet aethod I* uaed.