Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 109 Part 2.djvu/936

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109 STAT. 1908 PROCLAMATION 6857—DEC. 11, 1995 Annex II (con.) -8- 19. Subheadings 0807.10 through 0807.10.80, Inclusive, are superseded by the following: Otelont...>] "Nalan* (Inctuding Hittn»lan»: 0807.11 Uktarationi: 0607.11.30 If tnt«r«i durfi« th* pM-<od fnai Daeater 1, in wy yMr, to th* fellOHfrw Nardi 31, Inelwfwt 16.3X Fra* (A.t.lL.J. 35X m 4%(Cft) 0807.11.40 If «ntir«d at any otliar tiaa 19% Free (E.IL.J) 35X Saa 9906.08.09 - 9906.08.11 am 0807.19 Other: C W ltlloiBM S 0007.19.10 If antarad durlr« the parfod fraa August 1 to SaptMfear IS, incluaiva. In an yy aar 17. «« Free (E.IL,J> 35X «X<CA) 14X (HK) 0807.19.20 tf aitarvd at any otfMT tIaa... SS.3S Free (A.E.IL.J) »X 7«<C») taa 9906.08.07- 9906.08.08 (NX) Opwi and tellA BBlonss 0807.19.50 If aitared durfi« tlM period from Dacadiir 1, in any year, to the foUoHlna Nay 31. fnelualva 2.9X Free <A,CA,E,IL. 35X J,M(> 0807.19.60 If antarad at «iy other tIaa... 11.4X Free (A.E.IL.J, 35X . W) 2.8X <CA) Other: 0807.19.70 If antarad dur<r« the period from Dacadbar 1, in any year, to the foltoHfng Nay 31, liKlualve 7.5% Free (A.CA,E,IL. 35X » tm 9906.08.12 - 9906.08.13 (M() 0807.19.80 If altered at any otiier tlat... 32.7X Free <E,IL,J) 3SV 7X (CA) 28X (HX> 20. The following new sjibheading 0810.50.00 is inserted in ntnterical order: COthar...:] •0810.50.00 KlHl fruit Free Z.U/ktf Conforming changes: Subheading 0810.90.20 is redesignated as 0810.90.25, and the article description of that subheading is nodified to read as follows: "Berries an d ta narin da".