Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 109 Part 2.djvu/971

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PROCLAMATION 6857—DEC. 11, 1995 109 STAT. 1943 Maamx II (eon.) - 43- 159. (eon.) (e). MMl^aioo (t) of a»t« 1 to Mcttea ZI la aedlflod by dolotlqg tlM period (•.•) at tba and tlteraof and laaazcias « aaadeelen (•;'•) in li«u tharaef. (d). Tha following naw avMi^ialona (a) and (•) of tiota 1 to aoction ZZ' ara Inaartad in alphabatieal aaquanea: •Cii) ArtlslM af rtiptir M <f«- mmH; hnakw. tmal Mta fw MHII«, alMa teMaara mi typurlMr rnknB>| ar* Cv) Artlclw sf ckiptar fr.> 1(0. SiibdiTialon (b) of nota 5 to aaetion XI is aodlflad to raad aa folio**: •Hb) trmttt for UM n aailni ttrmtf mtf 161. Subdivlalon (f) of nota 7 to aaetion ZI la Modlfiad to raad aa followa: •<f> ttrfttaa or tiM^uut *• itmra, AMkw urinwtrt •• iinrin Itaw w tn th* fon vf • natar of Itoao In ttio (•««».• 162. Iota S to aaetion ZI i* aodifiod to raad aa follova: ••. ror the puriim of thilim M to «t (•> Cki^ora » to SS m< M wd, OMipt i*w« lln tmittmt othonrfoo raqulro*, *ip«iri » ta S»

  • mt ifpty to •••* ai* 19 iiltkln tto aantnt it noto 7 ifeawi; mt

CM-dMatoroM toB MiM * mci^y toaooa*ofrtMatoroM toM." 163. Rota 13 to aaetion ZI ia aodlfiad by iaaartlng tfaa following naw final aantonca: •ror Ilia purpoooo of tkU noto, tko nrrwito tttto —«•*«» aoom iwBito of linilwai ilOl to «1U ond hoodtnao an t» «Z11.« 164. Stibdlvlalon (B)(c) of anbheading nota 2 to aaetion ZI ia aodifiad to raad am followa: •(e) In the caoo of Mtovldwr of koatfini StW ari aoodi Hioroof. «ily tko froond fikric ikall bo l*M Into oecouHt. ••wwr. i^mldii> iiltlMit vlalHo trmmd. md foodi tfcoroaf. tkoll bo etoooiflad irftb rofoi— to tba aferatdvlm tbr«* olano.* 165. Hota 1 to chaptar 52 ia aodifiad to raad aa followa: •For tba pirpiiii of arboadl(«o S10t.4t wd SI11.42. Ibo •vroaafai taW aam fabrica of yoraa of diffarant colara, of S-tbroad or 4-tbroad trill, indudlni brobwi talU. mrp faead. tba aarp yamt of Alcb ar« of am aid tba aaaa colar md tba aoft yamt «f idilcb or* wWaiibid. Moocbad, dyad aray ar CM#rS0- fl lfl^'19'^ MSBB of tn# CMVT of tlW WTp yHnW** Conforains ehaafa: Tha tltla 'Hota* la dalatad and tfaa tltla •&d)haa<»T»g Bota' la Inaartad in liau tbaraof.