Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 109 Part 2.djvu/975

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PROCLAMATION 6857—DEC. 11, 1995 109 STAT. 1947 Annex II (con.) - 47- 171. HMiding 5603.00 and mibh—Olngft 5603.00.10 tltrou^ 5603.00.90 «x« aup«rs*d*<i by th* following: •jtOS •omsMna. limliw or n*t ta of ^MV'BdB fflHltftX SMS.11.00 Mltfilm mt BBra tftw S l/H* 7. SS Free (t.IL) 7tt 2.n (tt) «.B OK) SMS.12.00 Uiltfilna aara thai 2S •/•!* but nst •or* tlMn n •/«* 7.» rrM <l,IU TW 2.SI (M) , «.» OK) 5Ma.n.OO ItalAim aor* tiMB 70 «tr but noc anra ttan ISO i/U* 7.» rra* (•,11) nx 2.n <C*) , «.SS OK) SIO.M Itol^lm aora tfen 150 aVi SMS.U.30 Uainatad fabrle* tJK Free <IL) a.SS (Ok) n (Ml) SMS.U.M Othw 7J5% Fr a* (t.IL) 7UI 2.n (tt) 6.n(iK) OdMri , S«a.9 I.O O IMtfilni nst aora tian 2S f/tT 7.n Frao (•.ID TSU t 2.»(eu «.noii) SMa.«.ee IMInt aora tiian 2S i/M* but nst •oratlHnTOiV 7.$X Pros (1.11) Tilit 2.n (Co , «.n OK) S60I. 9S.00 Uolllitnf aora tiMa 70 t/ir but not •ors tlun ISO tAr 7.5S Free (0,11) 74S 2.SS (CM 6.SS OK) SMS.W Hoffklna aora thai 1M |/W*: S40S.M.10 Floor cevwini uidsrlaya 2.7X Frsa (0,11) 401 0.<S (CA) 1.« OK) SKS.WJO Ualnatod fabrlea ».a Frss (ID O.5% 3.2S (CU as OK) S«B.M.«0 Olhar 7.SS Free (1.11) TiV 2.SS (tt) 6.5% OK) 172. Tha artiela <t«acxlption o£ liaading 5804 la Modified by dalatlng tba axpxaaaloo 'In motifs:" and laaartlng the axpraaalon "In aotlfa, otltar than fabxlca of baading 6002:' In llau tfaaroof.