Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 111 Part 3.djvu/715

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PROCLAMATION 6948—OCT. 29, 1996 111 STAT. 2803 Annex II (continued) Section A. Modifications to the HTS. (con.) (2). Effective with respect to articles entered, or withdrawn from warehouse for consumption, on or after January 1. 1995: (con.) (g). The Rates of Duty 1 Special subcolumn for subheadings 2106.90.52 and 2106.90.54 Is modified by deleting the symbol "IL" from the parentheses following the expression "The rate applicable to the natural juice In heading 2009" and Inserting the symbol "IL", alphabetically, In the parentheses following the Free rate In such subcolumn. (h). The article description for subheading 2933.90.58 Is modified by deleting "Clozapine;" from such description. (1). The article description for subheading 2934.90.07 Is modified by deleting "(Fenoxaprop ethyl)" and Inserting "(Fenoxaprop-ethyl)" In lieu thereof. (j). The article description for subheading 3808.30.05 is modified by deleting "(Fenoxapropethyl)* and inserting "(Fenoxaprop-ethyl)" in lieu thereof. (k). The article description for subheading 9906.29.21 Is modified by deleting "2933.39.42" and Inserting "2933.39.41" In lieu thereof. (1). The Intermediate Chemicals for Dyes Appendix to the HTS is modified by deleting the chemical name listed In Column A below and Inserting in lieu thereof the chemical naiae listed in Column B below. Column A Column B AcctMidt, N-(4-Mi(nophnyl)-N -Mthyl- 9,10-Anthrac*nd1enc 1H-tz*pini, htxihydro- Banzaaint, 2,6-dtchloro-4-nUro- •inzanHiin*, 2-chloro-4-nltro- (tnztriMiInt, 4-chloro-2 -(tr1fluoraMthyl)- tcnzanintm, 2-a»thoxy- BtnztnHilne, 4-Mthoxy Btnzcnmint, 2-a*thoxy-4-nltro- BtnztfMmin*, N-acthyl- Banztnmfne, 4-(6-Mthyl-2 -b«nzathiuolyl)- Banztnmfnt, 3-nltro- ••nZHiMiliM, 2-(triftourawthyl)- 1,4-Bmztn* diujlfonic acid, 2-Miino- Banzdw sulfonic acid. 4-ehloro-3-(4,5- dihydro-S-«tthyl-S-oxo-1H-pyrazol-1-yl)- n,1'-B<phtnyl]-4,4'diHi<na, 3,3'dliatthoxy-, dihydrochlorida Butanadiefc, acatyl-, diaathyl attar 2-Haphathalanasul'fanic acid, S-aatno-, •onososfun salt 1,5-llaphthalana dtsutfonic acid, 2-aaine- 1,3-Haphthalana diaulfonic acid, 4-aBlno-5- hydroxy- 2-Naphthal«natuflfonlc acid, 6-aaino-7-hydroxy- 2-Naphthalanasulfonlc acid, 7-(acctyl«alrw4- hydroxy- 1,3--Haphthaltnatulfonic acid, 7-hydraxy-, potaaaiua salt 1,3,6-Na|ihthalana triaulfonic acid, 7-aaino- 1,3,6 Nafhthalana triaulfonic acid, 7-aaine-, ditnnniui salt 1.3,« Maiihthalana triaulfonic acid, 7-aaino-, diaodiia aalt 1,3,6 Naf^ithalana triaulfonic acid, 7-aBino-, todiua salt l-Naphthaltntulfonic acid, 4-hydroxy-, •onopotaatiuii aalt 1-Haphthalsulfonic acid, B-(phtnylMiino>-, •onoaodiua salt Spiro[laobtnzofuran-1(3N), 9'-C9M]xtnthan}-3 -cne, 3',6 '-b ia( athy lia iino)-2 '7'- dl- Acatanidc, N-(4-a«inophanyl)-N -Mthyt- 9,10-Anthracsnadione IH-Azapina, htxahydro- Banzaaina, 2,6-dichloro-4 -nitro- Banztnaaaiint, 2-chloro-4-nltro- Banzanaaaine, 4-chloro-2 -(trifluoroaMthyl)- Banzaneaaina, 2-aathoxy- Banztnaaaina, 4-aathoxy- Banzanaaaina, 2-aethoxy-4 -mtro- Banzanaaaina, N-aathyl- Banzanaaaine, 4-(6 -aethyt-Z -benzothiazolyl)- Banzanaaaina, 3-nitro- Banzaneaaina, Z-(triflouroaathyl)- 1,4-Banzanadiaulfanic acid, 2-aaino- Banzanaaulfonic acid, 4-chloro-3-(4,5- dihydro-3 -B«thyl-S -oxo-1H-pyrazol-1 -yl)- [1,1'-Biphanyl]-4,4'-diaalna, 3,3'-diMthoxy-, dihydrochlorida Butanadloic acid, acatyl-, diaathyl astar 2-Mapliathalanasulfonic acid, B-anino-, aonoaodiua aalt 1,S-NaphtlMlanadiaulfonic acid, 2-aaina- 1,3-Naphthalanadiaulfonic acid, 4-aaino-5 - hydrwcy- 2-Naphthalanaaulfonic acid, 6-aaino-7-hydroxy- 2-Raptithalanaaulfanic acid, 7-(acatylaaino}-4 - hydroxy- 1.3-llaphtlialtnasulfonic acid, 7-hydroxy-, potaaaiua aalt 1.3,6-Ni^thalanetr<(ulfonic acid, 7-aaino- 1,3,6 N^thatanatritulfonic acid, 7-aaino-, diaaaoniiji aalt 1,3,6 Naiihthalanatritulfonic acid, 7-aaino-, disodiuB salt 1,3,6 Ni^thalanatritulfonic acid, 7-aaino-, sodiui aalt 1-Na|4ithalana*ulfon<c acid, 4-hydroxy-, aonopotaaaiua salt 1-Ha^thalanasulfonic acid, 8-(phenylanino)-, aonoa odiua s al t Spiro[isob8nzofuran-1(3H),9'[9H]-xanthan]-3 -ona, 3',6'-bit(ethytaaino)-2',7'-diaathyl-