Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 111 Part 3.djvu/828

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Ill STAT. 2916 PROCLAMATION 7007—MAY 30, 1997 Annex I ( continued) SSSilSIL^' (con.) (3). {con.)s (b). by adding, in alphabetical ordar, the country or countriaa sat out op po ai ta the following prov iaio nai 0 713.90.10 Paru 2921.43.23 Guatemala 1701.11.05 India 3824.60. 00 In doneaia 1701.11.10 Dominican Republic 4104.39.50 India 2603.00.00 Chile 4 412. 22.4 0 Colombia 29 04.9 0.15 Brazil 71 13.19.50 Dom inica n Repub lic 3909.SO.40 Indoneaia 7403.11. 00 Per u 3912.13.00 Colombia 7 403. 12.0 0 Peru 2916.31.15 Eatonia 9 403. 60.8 0 Indon eaia Section B. The Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United Statea ("HTS") ia modi fie d, a a provided in th ia ae ction, effective with reapect to articlea entered, or withdrawn from warehouae for conaumption, on or after Nay 31, 1997. The following proviaiona auperaedea matter now in the HTS. Bracketed matter ia included to aaalat in the underatanding of proclaimed modificationa. Tha aubheadinga and auperior text are aet forth in columnar format, and material in auch columna ia inaerted in the columna of the HTS deaignated 'Heading/Subheading', 'Article Deacription', "Ratca of Duty 1 General", "Ratea of Duty 1 Special', and "Ratea of Duty 2", reapectively. (1). Subheading 0802.90.90 ia auperaeded byi (Other nut*, fr«»h or dried,...:] (Otht r:) (Other:] "Shelled: 0802.90.M Ko l* nutt Se /kg 080Z.90.98 Other »« /k9 Free (C A.E. Il.J, Ite /kg" NX) (2). Subheading 2909.19.10 ia auperaeded by: (Ethers, ether-elcohoK, ether-phenol$,...:] [AcycHc ether* end their heiogcnated,...:] (Other:]

    • Ethers of aonohydrfc alcohols:

2909.19.1« Methyl tertierybutyl ether (NTBE) 5.5 X free <A«,C*,E,Jl, JTX J,WO 290 9.1 9. 18 Other 5.5X Free (**,CA,E,U. J7X- J.K.MXJ (3). The article deacription of heading 9901.00.52 ia modified by deleting -2909.19.10" and inaerting "2909.19.18" in lieu thereof. Section C. Modificationa to the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United Statea ("HTS") of an article'a preferential tariff treatinent under the Generalized Syatem of Preferencea ("GSP"). (1). Effective with roapcct to articlea entered, or withdrawn from warehouae for conaumption, on or after May 31, 1997, (a). For aubheading 2901.29.50, the Ratea of Duty l-Special aubcolumn ia modified by inaerting in the parontheaea following the "Free" rate the aymbol "A*," in alphabetical order; (b). For aubheading 8607.19.03. the Ratea of Duty 1-Special aubcolumn la modified by inaerting in the parentheaea following the "Free" rate the aymbol 'A,' in alphabetical order; and (c). For the following aubheadinga, the Ratea of Duty 1-Special aubcolumn ia modified by deleting the aymbol "A*'" and inaerting an "A" in lieu thereof. 160 4.15. 00 741 3.0 0.1 0 8401.1 0.00 847 1.60.35 85 27. 21. 10 2208.60.50 7604. 10.5 0 8 469.13.00 851 7.19.40 853 7. 90. 90 69 05. 10. 00 7 614.90.20 847 1.49. 26 8 517.19. 80