Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 111 Part 3.djvu/844

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Ill STAT. 2932 PROCLAMATION 7011-JUNE 30, 1997 Annex I (continued) •5- Section B. (con.) (10). The article description for subheading 8424.89.30 is nodified by deleting the word "designed*. (11). Subheadings 8428.20.00, 8428.33.00. 8428.39.00 and 8428.90.00 are superseded and the following inserted, in nunerical sequence, in lieu thereof: tOthcr lifting, handllni, lo«dli« or...:) "M Zf l.ZO PnauMtie ticvatort and conv*yeri: 8420. 20.4 0 AutoMtad nchlnM for transport. handling and atoraja of saaieonduetor Mafara, Hafar eaaaattes, Mafar boxaa and other aatarial far aaaicandueter W28.20.M •8 (28.33 H 28.I 3.40 8428.33.80 8428.39 8428.39.40 COthar continuoua-actlan alavatora...:) Otiiar, bait type: Autoantad aiaehinaa for tranaport, handlinf and ataraga of aaaiiconductor Mafara, wafer caaaattas, iiafar boiaa and ethar aatarial for aaeiconductor Other Other: Autonatad aaehinaa for transport. . tea aactian A of Annea 11 to thia proclamation . Sae aactian A of Araiax II to thia proclamation . tae aactian A of Annan 11 to thia proclamation . Saa aactian A of Amai 11 to thia proclamation Frao (A.CA.E.IL, J.NX) Free (A.I.C.CA, f.lL.J.MC) Froa (A.CA.E.IL, J.NX) Froa (A.a.C.CA. t.lL.J.NI) handling and staraga of scaicanducter Mafara, Mafar caasattaa, wafer boaaa and athar aatarlal for saaicandkietor da vica * (aa aactian A Free (A.CA.C.Il. of Annaa II J.NX) to this proclamation 8428.39.80 8428.90 8428.90.4D 8428.90.80 Other aachinery: Autaaatad aaehinas for transport, handling and atoraga af aaaicanductor wafer*, wafer easaattea, wafer boaas and other aatarlal far saaicanduetar . (ae aactian A of Anna* 11 ta this praclaaetlan . See aactian A af AMiaa II to this praclaastian . tea sectian A af Amei 11 ta this Free (A,8.C.CA. CIL.J.W) Free (A.CA.E.IL, J) 0.4X (Ml> Free (A.8.C.CA. f.lL.J) 0.4S (NX) praclwatian