Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 113 Part 2.djvu/780

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113 STAT. 1501A-262 PUBLIC LAW 106-113—APPENDIX D shall be awarded to Lehigh University lacocca Institute for educational training, $250,000 shall be awarded to Lafayette College for arts education, $1,000,000 shall be awarded to Lewis and Clark College for the Crime Victims Law Institute, $1,650,000 for Rust College in Mississippi for technology infrastructure, $500,000 for the University of Notre Dame for a teacher quality initiative, $2,400,000 shall be awarded to the Western Governors University for a distance learning initiative, $1,000,000 shall be awarded to the Alabama A&M University for the development of a research institute, $1,000,000 shall be awarded to Tarleton State University in Stephenville, Texas for the Center for Astronomy Education and Research summer science programs for students and teachers, $1,500,000 shall be awarded to the Great Plains Network at Kansas University, $350,000 shall be awarded to the Science Education and Literacy Center at Rider University in New Jersey, $1,500,000 shall be awarded to the Indiana State University DegreeLink Partnership for a distance learning program, $1,000,000 shall be awarded to the Ivy Technical State College in Indiana for a machine tool training program, $1,250,000 shall be awarded to the Connecticut State University System Center for Education Technology Assessment, $400,000 shall be awarded to Monmouth University in New Jersey for the 21st Century Science Teachers Skills Project, $58,000 shall be awarded to the Black Hawk College International Business Education Center in Moline, Illinois for training in international economics, $325,000 shall be awarded to the World Learning School of International Training in Brattleboro, Vermont for the expansion of a language study program, $500,000 shall be awarded to the Diablo Valley Community College at Contra- Costa Community College District for a model teacher program to foster interest in teaching careers among high school and community college students, $1,000,000 shall be awarded to the Urban College of Boston, Massachusetts, for tutoring and mentoring services for educationally disadvantaged students, $1,000,000 shall be awarded to the University of Rhode Island Center for Environmental Design, Planning, and Policy in Kingston, Rhode Island to foster environmental education, $800,000 shall be awarded to the Wisconsin Indianhead Technical College at Ashland and Superior to provide high technology education and training, $400,000 shall be for an award to the University of Wisconsin at Superior for Project SPARKS to link faculty with schools in the Superior School District in Wisconsin, and $100,000 shall be awarded to the University of Nevada at Las Vegas for the Nevada Institute for Children Children's literacy program. SEC. 310. (a) From the amount appropriated for title VI of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 in accordance with this section, the Secretary of Education—(1) shall make available a total of $6,000,000 to the Secretary of the Interior (on behalf of the Bureau of Indian Affairs) and the outlying areas for activities under this section; and (2) shall allocate the remainder by providing each State the same percentage of that remainder as it received of the funds allocated to States under section 307(a)(2) of the Department of Education Appropriations Act, 1999. (b)(1) Each State that receives funds under this section shall distribute 100 percent of such funds to local educational agencies, of which—