Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 115 Part 3.djvu/1139

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PROCLAMATION 7515—DEC. 18, 2001 115 STAT. 3213 Annex I (continued) - 95- (222). Subheadings 8101.91 through 8101.93.00 are superseded by: rfTMnQSlan (iiofom) and articias...| tOttierl UmHOugMfeingclen.indudino bin and ndi obtainedtimpiy by siMenng _ 8101.9&00 8101.97.00 Bare and mis. other ihMi those otxainad simply by iMarlnn. pnAas. plales, shaeti. strip and fai vvasis and soap 4.4% 2J% (223). Subheadings 8102.91 through 8102.93.00 are superseded by:

(Molybdenum and ailidas tharaof^.l

(Olh erl UntvRwght motybdenum. indudino ban and lOds obtained slmpty by sinlailnB.— 8102.96.00 8102.97i» Ban and rods. o9wr thanffiosaotitainad sinvty by sintaitng. piofilas. pMes. sheets, stripand hit Ban and rods.. 13.9«*gon molytxlenum co nlsn l* 1. 9% F(ee(A*.CA.O.E. U-MX) (See Annex HI(P)Z •oMs predamalianXX)) Ffae(A*.CAJD.E. LJM X) [S«e Annex 111(0)2 t oMs prodamationKJO) LJJO.MX) F ra etA. CA. EJU. JOJtM) Free (A».CAJ).E. 1JJO.MXI Fcae(A.CA.E,«_J. MX) (Sea Annex H1(D)2 lot* predvnatianKJO) Frae(A.CA.EJL.J. MX) (See Annex W(D)2 tDlNS pradamationKX}) FcM(A.CA.E.IU. X>.MX) 60% 60% 60% so %- Wasisandacnp. (224). Subheadings 8103.10.8103.10.30 and 8103.10.60 are superseded by: ifTanlaluni and articles thefaor.,..! SI.IOAoon nwlytidsnuni UnMrougM tantalum, includinglian andtods obtained slnviy by sirrtering:potntmt VVMe and soap 2.5% Free Fi«a(A.CA£,ll_J. JO.M X) 60% 60% 60% FIM T 29% ft mr