Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 115 Part 3.djvu/1158

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115 STAT. 3232 PROCLAMATION 7515—DEC. 18, 2001 Annex II (continued) -6- (B) A cloneelo subheadings 2922.41 through 29Z2.43 torn any oOwsutiheadingtMtninhead*^ including anottier subheading inmhin thai giDup. or headings 2905 tuCTigh 2921. wh«<har or nol ttwre s also a change fmn any dtiar heading, provided Ihara s a regional value oonlcrt c< not less than: (1) 60 percent where the transadion value methodIs used, or <2) SO percent where the net cost method is used. 47E. (A) Achange to subheadings 2922.44 ttireugh 2922.49 ftom any odwrheadng.eneplfinni headings 290S ltVDugh2921:ar (B) Achange to subheadings 2922.44 through 2922.49 fioni any subheading outside thatgroup within heading 2922 or headmgs 2905 through 2921. whether or not niere s also a change Itain any ottier heading, piovidadthere is a regional value content ol rw less therv (1) eO percent wlwre the WHoaclion value method is used, or (2) SO percent where the net cost meOxx) itused. 47F. (A) Achange to subheading2922.50 from any other heading, except from headings 2905 thnxigh2921: or (B) Achange to subheadng2922.50 liom any other subheading withinheading2922 or headkigs 2905 thiDugii 2921. wtieiher or notttiarais also a ctiangefroni any oltwrheading, providedtwre is a regional value conlani of not less than: (1) 60 percent mitiere the transaction value method is used, or (2) SO percent where the net cost method is used.* 16. TCR 49 for chapter 29 Is deleted and the foDowIng new TCR is inserted in lieu thereof:

  • 49. A Change to subheadings 2924. llthiDugh 2924.19 hom any subheading outside Voi group.*

17. TCR SI for chapter 29 is deleted and the following new TCRs are inserted infieuthereof: "SI. (A) A changeto subheading 2924.23 tern any other subheading, enesptfrom lubheadings 2917.20 or 2924.24 Ihnwgh 2924.29-. (B) A changeto2-aoelamidabanzoic add (N-aoetylanthranilic add) oT subheading2924jaiioni Us sa«so( subheading 2924.23 or subheadings 2917.20 or 2924.24 through 2924.29. whether or not thtre Is ate a dttnge from any other subheading,providedttiare Is a regional value contert of not less thea (1) 60 percent wfiere Iha transaction vahia meltKidIs used, or (2) SO percent wfiere the net cost methodis used: or (C) A change 10 salts of subheading2924^ ham 2.aoela<nidobenzaic add (N-acatytanthnniic add) of subheading 2924.23 or subheadings 2917.20 or 2924.24 through2924.29. whether or mt thara is ate a change (lom any otfier subfwading. providedthere I* a regional value oonlart of not less San: (1) GO percent where the banssetian value method is isad. or (2) SOpercent urtiere the net cost methodis utad S1A. (A) Achange to subheadings 2924J4»iniugh2924.29 from any siMiaading outside that9i]i«.ajieapl from subheadings 2917.20 or 202*23; or