Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 120.djvu/2651

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[120 STAT. 2620]
PUBLIC LAW 109-000—MMMM. DD, 2006
[120 STAT. 2620]

120 STAT. 2620

PUBLIC LAW 109–366—OCT. 17, 2006

the convening authority when there is a lack of sufficient evidence in the record to support the findings. A rehearing as to the sentence may be ordered by the convening authority if the convening authority disapproves the sentence.



‘‘§ 950c. Appellate referral; waiver or withdrawal of appeal ‘‘(a) AUTOMATIC REFERRAL FOR APPELLATE REVIEW.—Except as provided under subsection (b), in each case in which the final decision of a military commission (as approved by the convening authority) includes a finding of guilty, the convening authority shall refer the case to the Court of Military Commission Review. Any such referral shall be made in accordance with procedures prescribed under regulations of the Secretary. ‘‘(b) WAIVER OF RIGHT OF REVIEW.—(1) In each case subject to appellate review under section 950f of this title, except a case in which the sentence as approved under section 950b of this title extends to death, the accused may file with the convening authority a statement expressly waiving the right of the accused to such review. ‘‘(2) A waiver under paragraph (1) shall be signed by both the accused and a defense counsel. ‘‘(3) A waiver under paragraph (1) must be filed, if at all, within 10 days after notice on the action is served on the accused or on defense counsel under section 950b(c)(4) of this title. The convening authority, for good cause, may extend the period for such filing by not more than 30 days. ‘‘(c) WITHDRAWAL OF APPEAL.—Except in a case in which the sentence as approved under section 950b of this title extends to death, the accused may withdraw an appeal at any time. ‘‘(d) EFFECT OF WAIVER OR WITHDRAWAL.—A waiver of the right to appellate review or the withdrawal of an appeal under this section bars review under section 950f of this title. ‘‘§ 950d. Appeal by the United States ‘‘(a) INTERLOCUTORY APPEAL.—(1) Except as provided in paragraph (2), in a trial by military commission under this chapter, the United States may take an interlocutory appeal to the Court of Military Commission Review of any order or ruling of the military judge that— ‘‘(A) terminates proceedings of the military commission with respect to a charge or specification; ‘‘(B) excludes evidence that is substantial proof of a fact material in the proceeding; or ‘‘(C) relates to a matter under subsection (d), (e), or (f) of section 949d of this title or section 949j(c) of this title. ‘‘(2) The United States may not appeal under paragraph (1) an order or ruling that is, or amounts to, a finding of not guilty by the military commission with respect to a charge or specification. ‘‘(b) NOTICE OF APPEAL.—The United States shall take an appeal of an order or ruling under subsection (a) by filing a notice of appeal with the military judge within five days after the date of such order or ruling. ‘‘(c) APPEAL.—An appeal under this section shall be forwarded, by means specified in regulations prescribed the Secretary of Defense, directly to the Court of Military Commission Review. In ruling on an appeal under this section, the Court may act only with respect to matters of law.

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