Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/1025

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12 2 STA T . 1 0 02 PUBLIC LA W 110 – 2 34—M A Y 22 , 200 8(10)TitleIV ( 7U.S . C . 1 42 1et s e q .) ,o t h e r th an se c tions 404, 412, an d 41 6 (7 U.S.C. 1424, 142 9 , and14 3 1). (11) Title V (7 U.S.C. 1461 et seq.). (12) Title VI (7 U.S.C. 1471 et seq.). (c) S USPEN S IO NO F CE RTA IN Q UOTA P RO V ISIONS. — The j oint reso - l u tion entitled ‘ ‘ A joint resolution relatin g to corn and w heat m ar- k eting quotas under the Agricultural Adjustment Act o f 193 8 ,as amended ’ ’,a p pro v ed M a y 26, 1941 (7 U.S.C. 1330 and 1340), shall not b e applicable to the crops of wheat planted for harvest in the calendar years 2008 through 2012. SEC.1603 . PAYM E NTLI MITATI O NS. (a) EX TENSION OF L I M ITATIONS.—Sections 1001 and 1001C(a) of the F ood Security Act of 198 5 (7 U.S.C. 1308, 1308 – 3(a)) are amended by striking ‘‘Farm Security and R ural Investment Act of 2002’’ each place it appears and inserting ‘‘Food, Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008’’. (b) REVISION OF LIMITATIONS.— (1) D EFINITIONS.—Section 1001(a) of the Food Security Act of 1985 (7 U.S.C. 1308(a)) is amended— (A) in the matter preceding paragraph (1), by inserting ‘‘through section 1001F’’after ‘‘section’’

( B ) by striking paragraph (2) and redesignating para- graph (3) as paragraph (5); and (C) by inserting after paragraph (1) the following

‘‘(2) FAMI LY MEM B ER.—The term ‘family member’ means a person to whom a member in the farming operation is related as lineal ancestor, lineal descendant, sibling, spouse, or other- wise by marriage. ‘‘(3) LE G AL ENTITY.—The term ‘legal entity’ means an entity that is created under Federal or State law and that— ‘‘(A) owns land or an agricultural commodity; or ‘‘(B) produces an agricultural commodity. ‘‘(4) PERSON.—The term ‘person’ means a natural person, and does not include a legal entity.’’. (2) LIMITATION ON D IRE C T PAYMENTS AND COUNTER- CYCLICAL PAYMENTS.—Section 1001 of the Food Security Act of 1985 (7 U.S.C. 1308) is amended by striking subsections (b), (c), and (d) and inserting the following: ‘‘(b) LIMITATION ON DIRECT PAYMENTS, COUNTER-CYCLICAL PAY- MENTS, AND ACRE PAYMENTS FOR COVERED COMMODITIES (OT H ER THAN PEANUTS).— ‘‘(1) DIRECT PAYMENTS.—The total amount of direct pay- ments received, directly or indirectly, by a person or legal entity (e x cept a joint venture or a general partnership) for any crop year under subtitle A of title I of the Food, Conserva- tion, and Energy Act of 2008 for 1 or more covered commodities (except for peanuts) may not exceed— ‘‘(A) in the case of a person or legal entity that does not participate in the average crop revenue election pro- gram under section 1105 of that Act, $ 40,000; or ‘‘(B) in the case of a person or legal entity that partici- pates in the average crop revenue election program under section 1105 of that Act, an amount equal to— ‘‘(i) the payment limit specified in subparagraph (A); less