Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/136

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12 2 STA T . 11 3PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 1 8 1 —J A N .28 , 2008 ofpr o vid i ngsuchbe nefi t s over the ten -y e a r period beginning on the such date .(2)T he effect of a transfer of ad m inistrative j urisdiction on the de l ivery of educational assistance benefits to members of the reserve components. ( 3 ) The effect of a transfer of administrative jurisdiction on D epartment of Defense efforts relating to recruiting , reten- tion, and compensation, including bonuses, special pays, and incentive pays. ( 4 )Thee x tent to w hich educational assistance benefits influence the decision of a person to join a reserve component. ( 5 ) The extent to which the educational assistance benefits available under chapter 160 6 of title 10, U nited S tates C ode, affect retention rates, including statistics showing how many members remain in the reserve components in order to continue to receive education benefits under such chapter. (6) The extent to which the educational assistance benefits available under chapter 160 7 of title 10, United States Code, affect retention rates, including statistics showing how many members remain in the reserve components in order to continue to receive education benefits under such chapter. (7) The practical and budgetary issues involved in a transfer of administrative jurisdiction, including a discussion ofthecostofe q uating the educational assistance benefits for members of the active and reserve components. ( 8 ) A ny recommendations of the Secretary for legislation to enhance or improve the delivery of educational assistance benefits for members of the reserve components. ( 9 ) The feasibility and li k ely effects of transferring the administration of the educational assistance programs for mem- bers of the reserve components contained in chapters 1606 and 1607 of title 10, United States Code, from the Department of Defense to the Department of V eterans Affairs through the recodification of such chapters in title 38, United States Code, as proposed in section 525 of H . R . 1585 of the 110th Congress, as passed by the House of Representatives, together with any recommendations of the Secretary for improving that section. (10) A discussion of the effects and impact of the amend- ments to chapter 1607 of title 10, United States Code, made by section 530 of this Act, relating to the extension of the time limit for the use of educational assistance benefits under that chapter. (c) R EVI E WSOF RE P O RT . —B efore submission of the report to Congress, the Secretary of Defense shall secure the review of the report by the Defense Business Board, in cooperation with the Reserve F orces P olicy Board. The Secretary of Veterans Affairs shall secure the review of the report by the Veterans Affairs Advisory Committee on E ducation. The results of such reviews shall be included as an appendix to the report. (d) CO M PTRO L LER G E N ER A L REVIEW.— N ot later than November 1, 2008, the Comptroller General shall submit to the congressional committees referred to in subsection (a) an assessment of the report, including a review of the costs inherent in the transfer of adminis- trative jurisdiction and the recruiting and retention data and other assumptions used by the Secretary of Defense in preparing the report. As part of the assessment, the Comptroller General shall Deadlin e .As sess m en t .