Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/176

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12 2 STA T . 1 53PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 1 8 1 —J A N .28 , 2008 SEC.624 . PAYM E NTOF ASS IG NMENT INCENTI V EPAYFO R RESERVE MEM B ERS SERVING IN COMBAT Z ONE FOR MORE T H AN 22 MONTHS. (a)PAYMENT.—TheS e cr e t ar yof a mil itary d e p artme n t may pay a s si g nment incenti v e pay u nder section 307 a of title 37 ,U nited States C ode, to a mem b er of a reserve component under the j urisdic - tion of the Secretary for each month during the eligibility period of the member determined under subsection (b) during w hich the member served for any portion of the month in a combat z one associated with O perating E nduring F reedom or Operation I ra q i Freedom in e x cess of 2 2 months of qualifying service. (b) E LIG I B ILITY PE R I OD .—The eligibility period for a member extends from J anuary 1 , 200 5 , through the end of the active duty service of the member in a combat zone associated with Operating Enduring Freedom or Operation Iraqi Freedom if the service on active duty during the member ’ s most recent period of mobilization to active duty began before January 1 9 , 2007. (c) A MO U NTO F PAYMENT.—The monthly rate of incentive pay payable to a member under this section is $ 1,000. (d) Q UALIFYING SER V I C E.—For purposes of this section, quali- fying service includes cumulative mobilized service on active duty under sections 12301(d), 12302, and 1230 4 of title 10, United States Code, during the period beginning on January 1, 2003, through the end of the member’s active duty service during the member’s most recent period of mobilization to active duty beginning before January 19, 2007. Subti t leC—Trav ela nd Tran spo rtation A llo w an c es SEC. 6 31 . PAYMENT OF INACTIVE DU TY TRAINING TRAVE L COSTS FOR CERTAIN SELECTED RESERVE MEMBERS. (a) PAYMENT OF TRAVEL CO S TS AUT H ORI Z ED.— (1) IN GENERAL.—Chapter 7 of title 37, United States Code, is amended by inserting after section 40 8 the following new section

‘ §408a.Tr a vel a ndt ran spo rtat i on allo w an c es

inactive d u t y trainin g outside o f nor m al commuting distances ‘ ‘(a) ALLO W ANCE AUTHORIZED.—The Secretary concerned may reimburse an eligible member of the Selected R eserve of the Ready Reserve for travel expenses for travel to an inactive duty training location to perform inactive duty training when the member is required to commute a distance from the member’s permanent residence to the inactive duty training location that is outside the normal commuting distance (as determined under the regula- tions prescribed under subsection (d)) for that commute. ‘‘(b) ELIGIBLE M EMBERS.—To be eligible for reimbursement under subsection (a), a member of the Selected Reserve of the Ready Reserve must be— ‘‘(1) qualified in a s k ill designated as critically short by the Secretary concerned

‘‘(2) assigned to a unit of the Selected Reserve with a critical manpower shortage or in a pay grade in the member’s reserve component with a critical manpower shortage; or 37USC 3 0 7 anote.